Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - JM RosePelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 8
How Australian consumers value intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of beef products
A Ardeshiri, JM Rose
Food Quality and Preference 65, 146-163, 2018
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Patient preferences for outcomes after kidney transplantation: a best-worst scaling survey
M Howell, G Wong, J Rose, A Tong, JC Craig, K Howard
Transplantation 101 (11), 2765-2773, 2017
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Patient preferences for a polypill for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
TL Laba, K Howard, J Rose, D Peiris, J Redfern, T Usherwood, A Cass, ...
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 49 (5), 528-539, 2015
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Community preferences for the allocation of donor organs for transplantation: a discrete choice study
K Howard, S Jan, JM Rose, G Wong, M Irving, A Tong, JC Craig, ...
Transplantation 99 (3), 560-567, 2015
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Preferences for policy options for deceased organ donation for transplantation: a discrete choice experiment
K Howard, S Jan, JM Rose, G Wong, JC Craig, M Irving, A Tong, ...
Transplantation 100 (5), 1136-1148, 2016
Mandat: Australian Research Council
On the robustness of efficient experimental designs towards the underlying decision rule
S van Cranenburgh, JM Rose, CG Chorus
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 109, 50-64, 2018
Mandat: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Formative versus reflective attitude measures: Extending the hybrid choice model
JM Rose, A Borriello, A Pellegrini
Journal of choice modelling 48, 100412, 2023
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Does information matter in the value of a wetland?
MC Pelletier, M Tocock, DH MacDonald, JM Rose, CA Sullivan
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 65 (7), 1323-1348, 2022
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 22
Preferences for shared autonomous vehicles
R Krueger, TH Rashidi, JM Rose
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 69, 343-355, 2016
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Multimodal pricing and optimal design of urban public transport: The interplay between traffic congestion and bus crowding
A Tirachini, DA Hensher, JM Rose
Transportation research part b: methodological 61, 33-54, 2014
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Dialysis modality preference of patients with CKD and family caregivers: a discrete-choice study
RL Morton, P Snelling, AC Webster, J Rose, R Masterson, DW Johnson, ...
American journal of kidney diseases 60 (1), 102-111, 2012
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Preferences for a COVID-19 vaccine in Australia
A Borriello, D Master, A Pellegrini, JM Rose
Vaccine 39 (3), 473-479, 2021
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Are healthcare choices predictable? The impact of discrete choice experiment designs and models
EW de Bekker-Grob, JD Swait, HT Kassahun, MCJ Bliemer, MF Jonker, ...
Value in Health 22 (9), 1050-1062, 2019
Mandat: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Hypothetical bias in stated choice experiments: Part I. Macro-scale analysis of literature and integrative synthesis of empirical evidence from applied economics, experimental …
M Haghani, MCJ Bliemer, JM Rose, H Oppewal, E Lancsar
Journal of choice modelling 41, 100309, 2021
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Hypothetical bias in stated choice experiments: Part II. Conceptualisation of external validity, sources and explanations of bias and effectiveness of mitigation methods
M Haghani, MCJ Bliemer, JM Rose, H Oppewal, E Lancsar
Journal of choice modelling 41, 100322, 2021
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Eliciting older people's preferences for exercise programs: a best-worst scaling choice experiment
MR Franco, K Howard, C Sherrington, PH Ferreira, J Rose, JL Gomes, ...
Journal of physiotherapy 61 (1), 34-41, 2015
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
A discrete choice experiment to obtain a tariff for valuing informal care situations measured with the CarerQol instrument
RJ Hoefman, J van Exel, JM Rose, EJ Van De Wetering, WBF Brouwer
Medical Decision Making 34 (1), 84-96, 2014
Mandat: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
What factors influence people's decisions to register for organ donation? The results of a nominal group study
MJ Irving, S Jan, A Tong, G Wong, JC Craig, S Chadban, J Rose, A Cass, ...
Transplant International 27 (6), 617-624, 2014
Mandat: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Values for the ICECAP-Supportive Care Measure (ICECAP-SCM) for use in economic evaluation at end of life
E Huynh, J Coast, J Rose, P Kinghorn, T Flynn
Social Science & Medicine 189, 114-128, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Are some QALYs more equal than others?
EJ Van de Wetering, NJA Van Exel, JM Rose, RJ Hoefman, WBF Brouwer
The European journal of health economics 17, 117-127, 2016
Mandat: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
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