Angle-resolved XPS analysis and characterization of monolayer and multilayer silane films for DNA coupling to silica RA Shircliff, P Stradins, H Moutinho, J Fennell, ML Ghirardi, SW Cowley, ...
Langmuir 29 (12), 4057-4067, 2013
135 2013 Controlled Nitrogen Doping and Film Colorimetrics in Porous TiO2 Materials Using Plasma Processing DJV Pulsipher, IT Martin, ER Fisher
ACS applied materials & interfaces 2 (6), 1743-1753, 2010
70 2010 Comparison of pulsed and downstream deposition of fluorocarbon materials from and plasmas IT Martin, GS Malkov, CI Butoi, ER Fisher
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70 2004 On the importance of ions and ion-molecule reactions to plasma-surface interface reactions KL Williams, IT Martin, ER Fisher
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 13 (5), 518-529, 2002
61 2002 Investigation of inductively coupled Ar and CH4/Ar plasmas and the effect of ion energy on DLC film properties J Zhou, IT Martin, R Ayers, E Adams, D Liu, ER Fisher
Plasma sources science and technology 15 (4), 714, 2006
55 2006 Material quality requirements for efficient epitaxial film silicon solar cells K Alberi, IT Martin, M Shub, CW Teplin, MJ Romero, RC Reedy, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (7), 2010
54 2010 Hot-wire chemical vapor deposition of epitaxial film crystal silicon for photovoltaics HM Branz, CW Teplin, MJ Romero, IT Martin, Q Wang, K Alberi, DL Young, ...
Thin Solid Films 519 (14), 4545-4550, 2011
52 2011 Ion effects on CF2 surface interactions during C3F8 and C4F8 plasma processing of Si IT Martin, ER Fisher
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50 2004 Degradation of transparent conductive oxides: Interfacial engineering and mechanistic insights HM Mirletz, KA Peterson, IT Martin, RH French
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 143, 529-538, 2015
42 2015 Plasma modification of PDMS microfluidic devices for control of electroosmotic flow IT Martin, B Dressen, M Boggs, Y Liu, CS Henry, ER Fisher
Plasma Processes and Polymers 4 (4), 414-424, 2007
42 2007 High-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of mixed silane monolayers for DNA attachment RA Shircliff, IT Martin, JW Pankow, J Fennell, P Stradins, ML Ghirardi, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3 (9), 3285-3292, 2011
40 2011 Radical-surface interactions during film deposition: A sticky situation? D Liu, IT Martin, J Zhou, ER Fisher
Pure and applied chemistry 78 (6), 1187-1202, 2006
35 2006 Pulsed‐plasma‐induced micropatterning with alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface chemistries GS Malkov, IT Martin, WB Schwisow, JP Chandler, BT Wickes, LJ Gamble, ...
Plasma Processes and Polymers 5 (2), 129-145, 2008
34 2008 Local measurement of Janus particle cap thickness A Rashidi, MW Issa, IT Martin, A Avishai, S Razavi, CL Wirth
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (37), 30925-30929, 2018
31 2018 Mechanisms controlling the phase and dislocation density in epitaxial silicon films grown from silane below 800 C CW Teplin, K Alberi, M Shub, C Beall, IT Martin, MJ Romero, DL Young, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (20), 2010
26 2010 The effect of low frequency pulse-shaped substrate bias on the remote plasma deposition of a-Si: H thin films IT Martin, MA Wank, MA Blauw, R Van Swaaij, WMM Kessels, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 19 (1), 015012, 2009
23 2009 Correlating ion energies and CF2 surface production during fluorocarbon plasma processing of silicon IT Martin, J Zhou, ER Fisher
Journal of applied physics 100 (1), 2006
22 2006 Doping of high-quality epitaxial silicon grown by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition near 700° C IT Martin, HM Branz, P Stradins, DL Young, RC Reedy, CW Teplin
Thin Solid Films 517 (12), 3496-3498, 2009
21 2009 Nanoscale measurements of local junction breakdown in epitaxial film silicon solar cells MJ Romero, K Alberi, IT Martin, KM Jones, DL Young, Y Yan, C Teplin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (9), 2010
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