Gerald Penn
Gerald Penn
Professor of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Email yang diverifikasi di cs.toronto.edu - Beranda
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Convolutional neural networks for speech recognition
O Abdel-Hamid, A Mohamed, H Jiang, L Deng, G Penn, D Yu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 22 (10 …, 2014
Applying convolutional neural networks concepts to hybrid NN-HMM model for speech recognition
O Abdel-Hamid, A Mohamed, H Jiang, G Penn
2012 IEEE international conference on Acoustics, speech and signal …, 2012
Bubble sets: Revealing set relations with isocontours over existing visualizations
C Collins, G Penn, S Carpendale
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (6), 1009-1016, 2009
Understanding how deep belief networks perform acoustic modelling
A Mohamed, G Hinton, G Penn
2012 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2012
ALE: the Attribute Logic Engine
B Carpenter, G Penn
User's Guide, 1993
Docuburst: Visualizing document content using language structure
C Collins, S Carpendale, G Penn
Computer graphics forum 28 (3), 1039-1046, 2009
Categorial grammars determined from linguistic data by unification
W Buszkowski, G Penn
Studia Logica 49, 431-454, 1990
Flexible web document analysis for delivery to narrow-bandwidth devices
G Penn, J Hu, H Luo, R McDonald
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 2001
Living with a tabletop: Analysis and observations of long term office use of a multi-touch table
D Wigdor, G Perm, K Ryall, A Esenther, C Shen
Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems, 2007. TABLETOP'07. Second …, 2007
The effect of speech recognition accuracy rates on the usefulness and usability of webcast archives
C Munteanu, R Baecker, G Penn, E Toms, D James
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems …, 2006
System and method for applying a convolutional neural network to speech recognition
GB Penn, H Jiang, OAM Abdelhamid, ASA Mohamed
US Patent 9,190,053, 2015
A web-based instructional platform for contraint-based grammar formalisms and parsing
D Meurers, G Penn, F Richter
Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Effective tools and methodologies for …, 2002
A critical reassessment of evaluation baselines for speech summarization
G Penn, X Zhu
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, 470-478, 2008
Visualization of uncertainty in lattices to support decision-making.
C Collins, S Carpendale, G Penn
EuroVis, 51-58, 2007
Summarization of spontaneous conversations.
X Zhu, G Penn
Interspeech, 2006
Linearization and WH-extraction in HPSG: Evidence from Serbo-Croatian
G Penn
Slavic in HPSG, 149-182, 1999
Web-based language modelling for automatic lecture transcription.
C Munteanu, G Penn, R Baecker
INTERSPEECH, 2353-2356, 2007
Automatic human utility evaluation of ASR systems: Does WER really predict performance?
B Favre, K Cheung, S Kazemian, A Lee, Y Liu, C Munteanu, A Nenkova, ...
INTERSPEECH, 3463-3467, 2013
Unsupervised sentence enhancement for automatic summarization
JCK Cheung, G Penn
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2014
A formal interpretation of relations and quantification in HPSG
F Richter, M Sailer, G Penn
Constraints and resources in natural language syntax and semantics, 281-298, 1999
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