Nathan Borggren
Nathan Borggren
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Ion neutral mass spectrometer results from the first flyby of Titan
JH Waite Jr, H Niemann, RV Yelle, WT Kasprzak, TE Cravens, ...
Science 308 (5724), 982-986, 2005
Analysis of Titan's neutral upper atmosphere from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer measurements
J Cui, RV Yelle, V Vuitton, JH Waite Jr, WT Kasprzak, DA Gell, ...
Icarus 200 (2), 581-615, 2009
The vertical structure of Titan's upper atmosphere from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer measurements
RV Yelle, N Borggren, V De La Haye, WT Kasprzak, HB Niemann, ...
Icarus 182 (2), 567-576, 2006
Waves and horizontal structures in Titan's thermosphere
ICF Müller‐Wodarg, RV Yelle, N Borggren, JH Waite Jr
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A12), 2006
Upstream fusion of multiple sensing modalities using machine learning and topological analysis: An initial exploration
D Garagić, J Peskoe, F Liu, MS Claffey, P Bendich, J Hineman, ...
2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-8, 2018
Deanonymizing shapeshift: Linking transactions across multiple blockchains
N Borggren, G Koplik, P Bendich, J Harer
Geometric cross-modal comparison of heterogeneous sensor data
CJ Tralie, A Smith, N Borggren, J Hineman, P Bendich, P Zulch, J Harer
2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-10, 2018
Deep learning of entity behavior in the bitcoin economy
N Borggren
Ion neutral mass spectrometer measurements from Titan
JH Waite Jr, H Niemann, RV Yelle, W Kasprzak, T Cravens, J Luhmann, ...
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, Part 21, 2005
Topological Simplification of Signals for Inference and Approximate Reconstruction
G Koplik, N Borggren, S Voisin, G Angeloro, J Hineman, T Johnson, ...
2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-11, 2023
Correlations of Multi-input Monero Transactions
N Borggren, L Yao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04827, 2020
Simulated Blockchains for Machine Learning Traceability and Transaction Values in the Monero Network
N Borggren, H Kim, L Yao, G Koplik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.03937, 2020
Probabilistic and Flux Landscapes of the Phage λ Genetic Switch
N Borggren
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2011
Horizontal Structures, Waves and Dynamics in Titan's Thermosphere
I Mueller-Wodarg, RV Yelle, N Borggren, JH Waite
European Planetary Science Congress 2006, 675, 2006
INMS Titan Observations
JH Waite Jr, H Niemann, RV Yelle, WT Kasprzak, TE Cravens, ...
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts# 37 37, 06.07, 2005
Waves in Titan's thermosphere
IC Mueller-Wodarg, RV Yelle, N Borggren, H Waite
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2005, P34A-04, 2005
The Vertical Structure of Titan's Upper Atmosphere
R Yelle, N Borggren, V de La Haye, H Waite, I Mueller-Wodarg, ...
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2005, P34A-01, 2005
Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) Results from Titan
TE Cravens, JH Waite, H Niemann, RV Yelle, WT Kasprzak, JG Luhmann, ...
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2005, P33A-05, 2005
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