Matěj Velický
Matěj Velický
Senior Scientist at J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry
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Mechanism of Gold-Assisted Exfoliation of Centimeter-Sized Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers
M Velický, GE Donnelly, WR Hendren, S McFarland, D Scullion, ...
ACS nano 12 (10), 10463-10472, 2018
From two-dimensional materials to their heterostructures: An electrochemist's perspective
M Velický, PS Toth
Applied Materials Today 8, 68-103, 2017
Electron Transfer Kinetics on Mono-and Multilayer Graphene
M Velicky, DF Bradley, AJ Cooper, EW Hill, IA Kinloch, A Mishchenko, ...
ACS nano 8 (10), 10089-10100, 2014
Photoelectrochemistry of Pristine Mono-and Few-Layer MoS2
M Velický, MA Bissett, CR Woods, PS Toth, T Georgiou, IA Kinloch, ...
Nano letters 16 (3), 2023-2032, 2016
Strain and Charge Doping Fingerprints of the Strong Interaction between Monolayer MoS2 and Gold
M Velický, A Rodriguez, M Bouša, AV Krayev, M Vondráček, J Honolka, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (15), 6112-6118, 2020
Exfoliation of natural van der Waals heterostructures to a single unit cell thickness
M Velický, PS Toth, AM Rakowski, AP Rooney, A Kozikov, CR Woods, ...
Nature Communications 8, 14410, 2017
Electrochemistry of the Basal Plane versus Edge Plane of Graphite Revisited
M Velický, PS Toth, CR Woods, KS Novoselov, RAW Dryfe
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (18), 11677-11685, 2019
In Situ Study of Li Intercalation into Highly Crystalline Graphitic Flakes of Varying Thicknesses
J Zou, C Sole, NE Drewett, M Velický, LJ Hardwick
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (21), 4291-4296, 2016
Asymmetric MoS2/Graphene/Metal Sandwiches: Preparation, Characterization, and Application
PS Toth, M Velický, MA Bissett, TJA Slater, N Savjani, AK Rabiu, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (37), 8256-8264, 2016
Electron transfer kinetics on natural crystals of MoS 2 and graphite
M Velický, MA Bissett, PS Toth, HV Patten, SD Worrall, ANJ Rodgers, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (27), 17844-17853, 2015
Functionalization of graphene at the organic/water interface
PS Toth, QM Ramasse, M Velický, RAW Dryfe
Chemical Science 6 (2), 1316-1323, 2015
Electrochemistry in a drop: a study of the electrochemical behaviour of mechanically exfoliated graphene on photoresist coated silicon substrate
PS Toth, AT Valota, M Velický, IA Kinloch, KS Novoselov, EW Hill, ...
Chemical Science 5 (2), 582-589, 2014
Symmetric and Asymmetric Decoration of Graphene: Bimetal‐Graphene Sandwiches
PS Toth, M Velický, QM Ramasse, DM Kepaptsoglou, RAW Dryfe
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (19), 2899-2909, 2015
Electrostatic Stabilization of Graphene in Organic Dispersions
ANJ Rodgers, M Velický, RAW Dryfe
Langmuir 31 (48), 13068-13076, 2015
In situ artificial membrane permeation assay under hydrodynamic control: permeability-pH profiles of warfarin and verapamil
M Velický, DF Bradley, KY Tam, RAW Dryfe
Pharmaceutical research 27 (8), 1644-1658, 2010
Hydrodynamic voltammetry at the liquid–liquid interface: Application to the transfer of ionised drug molecules
M Velický, KY Tam, RAW Dryfe
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 683, 94-102, 2012
The Intricate Love Affairs between MoS2 and Metallic Substrates
M Velický, GE Donnelly, WR Hendren, WJI DeBenedetti, MA Hines, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (23), 2001324, 2020
Hydrogen evolution and capacitance behavior of Au/Pd nanoparticle-decorated graphene heterostructures
PS Toth, M Velický, TJA Slater, SD Worrall, SJ Haigh
Applied Materials Today 8, 125-131, 2017
Electrochemical kinetics as a function of transition metal dichalcogenide thickness
MB Cabré, AE Paiva, M Velický, PE Colavita, K McKelvey
Electrochimica Acta 393, 139027, 2021
On the controlled electrochemical preparation of R 4 N+ graphite intercalation compounds and their host structural deformation effects
AJ Cooper, M Velický, IA Kinloch, RAW Dryfe
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 730, 34-40, 2014
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