Peter A. Groothuis
Peter A. Groothuis
Department of Economics, Appalachian State University
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The value of public goods generated by a major league sports team: The CVM approach
BK Johnson, PA Groothuis, JC Whitehead
Journal of sports economics 2 (1), 6-21, 2001
Testing for non-response and sample selection bias in contingent valuation: analysis of a combination phone/mail survey
JC Whitehead, PA Groothuis, GC Blomquist
Economics Letters 41 (2), 215-220, 1993
Green vs. green: Measuring the compensation required to site electrical generation windmills in a viewshed
PA Groothuis, JD Groothuis, JC Whitehead
Energy policy 36 (4), 1545-1550, 2008
Does don't know mean no? Analysis of'don't know'responses in dichotomous choice contingent valuation questions
PA Groothuis, JC Whitehead
Applied Economics 34 (15), 1935-1940, 2002
Public funding of professional sports stadiums: Public choice or civic pride?
PA Groothuis, BK Johnson, JC Whitehead
Eastern Economic Journal 30 (4), 515-526, 2004
The role of social distrust in risk-benefit analysis: A study of the siting of a hazardous waste disposal facility
PA Groothuis, G Miller
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 15, 241-257, 1997
Locating Hazardous Waste Facilities: The Influence of NIMBY Beliefs
PA Groothuis, G Miller
American journal of economics and sociology 53 (3), 335-346, 1994
Exit discrimination in the NBA: A duration analysis of career length
PA Groothuis, JR Hill
Economic Inquiry 42 (2), 341-349, 2004
Early entry in the NBA draft: The influence of unraveling, human capital, and option value
PA Groothuis, JR Hill, TJ Perri
Journal of Sports Economics 8 (3), 223-243, 2007
Pay discrimination, exit discrimination or both? Another look at an old issue using NBA data
PA Groothuis, JR Hill
Journal of Sports Economics 14 (2), 171-185, 2013
The economic impact and civic pride effects of sports teams and mega‐events: do the public and the professionals agree?
PA Groothuis, KW Rotthoff
Economic Affairs 36 (1), 21-32, 2016
The new NBA collective bargaining agreement, the median voter model, and a Robin Hood rent redistribution
JR Hill, PA Groothuis
Journal of Sports Economics 2 (2), 131-144, 2001
Timing of prenatal smoking cessation or reduction and infant birth weight: evidence from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study
J Yan, PA Groothuis
Maternal and Child Health Journal 19, 447-458, 2015
Nepotism or family tradition? A study of NASCAR drivers
PA Groothuis, JD Groothuis
Journal of Sports Economics 9 (3), 250-265, 2008
Using contingent valuation to measure the compensation required to gain community acceptance of a LULU: the case of a hazardous waste disposal facility
PA Groothuis, G Van Houtven, JC Whitehead
Public Finance Review 26 (3), 231-249, 1998
Endogenous consequentiality in stated preference referendum data: the influence of the randomly assigned tax amount
PA Groothuis, TM Mohr, JC Whitehead, K Cockerill
Land Economics 93 (2), 258-268, 2017
Modeling hidden alternatives in random utility models: An application to “don’t know” responses in contingent valuation
SB Caudill, PA Groothuis
Land Economics 81 (3), 445-454, 2005
Mitigating hypothetical bias in stated preference data: Evidence from sports tourism
JC Whitehead, MS Weddell, PA Groothuis
Economic Inquiry 54 (1), 605-611, 2016
Benefit transfer: a comparison of approaches
PA Groothuis
Growth and Change 36 (4), 551-564, 2005
The dilemma of choosing talent: Michael Jordans are hard to find
PA Groothuis, JR Hill, T Perri
Applied Economics 41 (25), 3193-3198, 2009
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