Gábor Jandó
Gábor Jandó
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Gamma (40-100 Hz) oscillation in the hippocampus of the behaving rat
A Bragin, G Jandó, Z Nádasdy, J Hetke, K Wise, G Buzsáki
Journal of neuroscience 15 (1), 47-60, 1995
Sharp wave-associated high-frequency oscillation (200 Hz) in the intact hippocampus: network and intracellular mechanisms
A Ylinen, A Bragin, Z Nádasdy, G Jandó, I Szabo, A Sik, G Buzsáki
Journal of Neuroscience 15 (1), 30-46, 1995
Dentate EEG spikes and associated interneuronal population bursts in the hippocampal hilar region of the rat
A Bragin, G Jando, Z Nadasdy, M Van Landeghem, G Buzsáki
Journal of neurophysiology 73 (4), 1691-1705, 1995
Pattern recognition of the electroencephalogram by artificial neural networks
G Jandó, RM Siegel, Z Horváth, G Buzsáki
Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 86 (2), 100-109, 1993
Early-onset binocularity in preterm infants reveals experience-dependent visual development in humans
G Jandó, E Mikó-Baráth, K Markó, K Hollódy, B Török, I Kovacs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (27), 11049-11052, 2012
Spike-and-wave epilepsy in rats: sex differences and inheritance of physiological traits
G Jando, D Carpi, A Kandel, R Urioste, Z Horvath, E Pierre, D Vadi, ...
Neuroscience 64 (2), 301-317, 1995
Functional architecture of eye position gain fields in visual association cortex of behaving monkey
RM Siegel, M Raffi, RE Phinney, JA Turner, G Jandó
Journal of Neurophysiology 90 (2), 1279-1294, 2003
Functional architecture of retinotopy in visual association cortex of behaving monkey
B Heider, G Jandó, RM Siegel
Cerebral Cortex 15 (4), 460-478, 2005
Sex-dependent body weight changes after iontophoretic application of kainic acid into the LH or VMH
L Lenard, P Sandor, A Hajnal, G Jando, Z Karadi, Y Kai
Brain research bulletin 26 (1), 141-148, 1991
Validation of dynamic random dot stereotests in pediatric vision screening
A Budai, A Czigler, E Mikó-Baráth, VA Nemes, G Horváth, Á Pusztai, ...
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 257, 413-423, 2019
Microelectrophoretic application of kainic acid into the globus pallidus: disturbances in feeding behavior
P Sandor, A Hajnal, G Jandó, Z Karádi, L Lénárd
Brain research bulletin 28 (5), 751-756, 1992
Genetic threshold hypothesis of neocortical spike‐and‐wave discharges in the rat: An animal model of petit mal epilepsy
C Vadász, D Carpi, G Jando, A Kandel, R Urioste, Z Horvath, E Pierre, ...
American journal of medical genetics 60 (1), 55-63, 1995
Feeding and body weight regulation after 6-OHDA application into the preoptic area
L Lenard, Z Karadi, G Jando, H Yoshimatsu, A Hajnal, P Sandor, ...
Brain research bulletin 27 (3-4), 359-365, 1991
Contrast independence of dynamic random dot correlogram evoked VEP amplitude
K Markó, HJM Kiss, E Mikó-Baráth, O Bártfai, B Török, I Kovács, G Jandó
Journal of vision 9 (4), 8-8, 2009
Learning disturbances in offsprings of zidovudine (AZT) treated rats
Z Petyko, L Lenad, B Sümegi, A Hajnal, B Csete, B Faludi, G Jando
Neurobiology (Budapest, Hungary) 5 (1), 83-85, 1997
Effects of luminance on dynamic random-dot correlogram evoked visual potentials
K Markó, E Mikó-Barath, HJ Kiss, B Török, G Jandó
Perception 41 (6), 648-660, 2012
Maturation of cyclopean visual evoked potential phase in preterm and full-term infants
E Mikó-Baráth, K Markó, A Budai, B Török, I Kovacs, G Jandó
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55 (4), 2574-2583, 2014
Simple reaction times to cyclopean stimuli reveal that the binocular system is tuned to react faster to near than to far objects
G Horváth, VA Nemes, J Radó, A Czigler, B Török, P Buzás, G Jandó
Plos one 13 (1), e0188895, 2018
Measuring surface achromatic color: Toward a common measure for increments and decrements
G Jandó, T Agostini, A Galmonte, N Bruno
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 35 (1), 70-81, 2003
Calibration of random dot stereograms and correlograms free of monocular cues
J Radó, Z Sári, P Buzás, G Jandó
Journal of Vision 20 (4), 3-3, 2020
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