Mohammad S. Obaidat,Life Fellow of IEEE,AAIA,  AIIA, FTRA and SCS Fellow, and SCS Past President
Mohammad S. Obaidat,Life Fellow of IEEE,AAIA, AIIA, FTRA and SCS Fellow, and SCS Past President
University of Jordan, University of Science & Tech Beijing, SRM Univ & Amity Univ
Email yang diverifikasi di ju.edu.jo - Beranda
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Verification of computer users using keystroke dynamics
MS Obaidat, B Sadoun
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 27 …, 1997
BHEEM: A blockchain-based framework for securing electronic health records
J Vora, A Nayyar, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar, MS Obaidat, ...
2018 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2018
Blockchain-based identity management systems: A review
Y Liu, D He, MS Obaidat, N Kumar, MK Khan, KKR Choo
Journal of network and computer applications 166, 102731, 2020
A cooperative quality-aware service access system for social Internet of vehicles
Z Ning, X Hu, Z Chen, MC Zhou, B Hu, J Cheng, MS Obaidat
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2506-2517, 2017
Wireless Networks
GI P. Nicoploitidis, M. S. Obaidat, Papadimitriou, AS Pomportsis
Wiley, 2003
Digital watermarking-based DCT and JPEG model
MA Suhail, MS Obaidat
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 52 (5), 1640-1647, 2003
Joint computing and caching in 5G-envisioned Internet of vehicles: A deep reinforcement learning-based traffic control system
Z Ning, K Zhang, X Wang, MS Obaidat, L Guo, X Hu, B Hu, Y Guo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (8), 5201-5212, 2020
Secure and sustainable load balancing of edge data centers in fog computing
D Puthal, MS Obaidat, P Nanda, M Prasad, SP Mohanty, AY Zomaya
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (5), 60-65, 2018
LACAS: Learning automata-based congestion avoidance scheme for healthcare wireless sensor networks
S Misra, V Tiwari, MS Obaidat
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27 (4), 466-479, 2009
Soft-WSN: Software-defined WSN management system for IoT applications
S Bera, S Misra, SK Roy, MS Obaidat
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2074-2081, 2016
Habits: Blockchain-based telesurgery framework for healthcare 4.0
R Gupta, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar, MS Obaidat, B Sadoun
2019 international conference on computer, information and telecommunication …, 2019
A Secure Three-Factor User Authentication Protocol With Forward Secrecy for Wireless Medical Sensor Network Systems
CC Xiong Li, Jieyao Peng, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Fan Wu, Muhammad Khurram Khan
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (1), 39-50, 2020
TSCA: A temporal-spatial real-time charging scheduling algorithm for on-demand architecture in wireless rechargeable sensor networks
C Lin, J Zhou, C Guo, H Song, G Wu, MS Obaidat
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (1), 211-224, 2017
Fog computing for smart grid systems in the 5G environment: Challenges and solutions
A Kumari, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar, MS Obaidat, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (3), 47-53, 2019
A robust and efficient password-based conditional privacy preserving authentication and group-key agreement protocol for VANETs
SKH Islam, MS Obaidat, P Vijayakumar, E Abdulhay, F Li, MKC Reddy
Future Generation Computer Systems 84, 216-227, 2018
Edge computing-based security framework for big data analytics in VANETs
S Garg, A Singh, K Kaur, GS Aujla, S Batra, N Kumar, MS Obaidat
IEEE Network 33 (2), 72-81, 2019
An advanced internet of thing based security alert system for smart home
S Tanwar, P Patel, K Patel, S Tyagi, N Kumar, MS Obaidat
2017 international conference on computer, information and telecommunication …, 2017
Wireless sensor network-based fire detection, alarming, monitoring and prevention system for Bord-and-Pillar coal mines
MSO S Bhattacharjee, P Roy, S Ghosh, S Misra
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (3), 571-581, 0
An accurate line of sight propagation performance model for ad-hoc 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN) devices
DB Green, MS Obaidat
Communications, 2002. ICC 2002. IEEE International Conference on 5, 3424-3428, 2002
On theoretical modeling of sensor cloud: A paradigm shift from wireless sensor network
S Misra, S Chatterjee, MS Obaidat
IEEE Systems journal 11 (2), 1084-1093, 2014
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