Role of augmented basis sets and quest for ab initio performance/cost alternative to Kohn–Sham density functional theory M Martinez Gonzalez, FGD Xavier, J Li, LA Montero-Cabrera, ...
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12 2021 Nuclear spin selective torsional states: implications of molecular symmetry S Belz, O Deeb, L González, T Grohmann, D Kinzel, M Leibscher, J Manz, ...
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12 2013 Global Potential Energy Surface for HO2 + Using the CHIPR Method FGD Xavier, MM González, AJC Varandas
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2024 A discussion on the properties of the simultaneous triple-valued function whose job is to fit the PESs with triply and doubly degenerate seams together FGD Xavier
Molecular Physics 122 (14), e2304105, 2024
2024 A close look at the intricacies of the simultaneous triple valued analytical function having the potential to account for the presence of higher order seams, namely three … FGD Xavier
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