Sen Yan
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Low-profile dual-band textile antenna with artificial magnetic conductor plane
S Yan, PJ Soh, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62 (12), 6487-6490, 2014
Radiation pattern-reconfigurable wearable antenna based on metamaterial structure
S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Antennas and wireless propagation Letters 15, 1715-1718, 2016
Dual-band textile MIMO antenna based on substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) technology
S Yan, PJ Soh, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 63 (11), 4640-4647, 2015
Wearable dual-band magneto-electric dipole antenna for WBAN/WLAN applications
S Yan, PJ Soh, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 63 (9), 4165-4169, 2015
A high-fidelity all-textile UWB antenna with low back radiation for off-body WBAN applications
LAY Poffelie, PJ Soh, S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 64 (2), 757-760, 2015
Wearable button antenna for dual-band WLAN applications with combined on and off-body radiation patterns
H Xiaomu, S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (3), 1384-1387, 2017
Compact circular polarizer based on chiral twisted double split-ring resonator
S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
Applied Physics Letters 102 (10), 2013
Compact all-textile dual-band antenna loaded with metamaterial-inspired structure
S Yan, PJ Soh, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 14, 1486-1489, 2014
Wearable ultrawideband technology—A review of ultrawideband antennas, propagation channels, and applications in wireless body area networks
S Yan, PJ Soh, GAE Vandenbosch
Ieee Access 6, 42177-42185, 2018
A novel design approach for compact wearable antennas based on metasurfaces
K Zhang, GAE Vandenbosch, S Yan
IEEE Transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 14 (4), 918-927, 2020
Compact dual-band textile PIFA for 433-MHz/2.4-GHz ISM bands
S Yan, V Volskiy, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 2436-2439, 2017
Meta-wearable antennas—A review of metamaterial based antennas in wireless body area networks
K Zhang, PJ Soh, S Yan
Materials 14 (1), 149, 2020
Compact circularly polarized wearable button antenna with broadside pattern for U-NII worldwide band applications
X Hu, S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (2), 1341-1345, 2018
A miniature feeding network for aperture-coupled wearable antennas
J Zhang, S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (5), 2650-2654, 2017
Wearable dual‐band composite right/left‐handed waveguide textile antenna for WLAN applications
S Yan, PJ Soh, GAE Vandenbosch
Electronics Letters 50 (6), 424-426, 2014
Realization of dual-band pattern diversity with a CRLH-TL-inspired reconfigurable metamaterial
J Zhang, S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (10), 5130-5138, 2018
Design of wideband button antenna based on characteristic mode theory
S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 12 (6), 1383-1391, 2018
A pillbox based dual circularly-polarized millimeter-wave multi-beam antenna for future vehicular radar applications
Y Cao, S Yan, J Li, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (7), 7095-7103, 2022
Design of a compact dual-band textile antenna based on metasurface
K Zhang, PJ Soh, S Yan
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 16 (2), 211-221, 2022
Low-profile dual-band pattern diversity patch antenna based on composite right/left-handed transmission line
S Yan, GAE Vandenbosch
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (6), 2808-2815, 2017
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