Matija Bušić
Matija Bušić
docent, University of North, Mechanical Engineering Department
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Influence of shielding gas composition on structure and mechanical properties of wire and arc additive manufactured Inconel 625
I Jurić, I Garašić, M Bušić, Z Kožuh
Jom 71, 703-708, 2019
Production and application of metal foams in casting technology
B Bauer, S Kralj, M Bušić
Tehnicki vjesnik 20 (6), 1095-1102, 2013
WAAM and other unconventional metal additive manufacturing technologies
D Klobcar, S Baloš, M Bašic, A Djuric, M Lindic, A Šcetinec
Adv. Technol. Mater 45, 1-9, 2020
Optimization of the A-TIG welding for stainless steels
M Jurica, Z Kožuh, I Garašić, M Bušić
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 329, 012012, 2018
Metal oxide nanoparticle-based coating as a catalyzer for A-TIG welding: Critical raw material perspective
S Balos, M Dramicanin, P Janjatovic, I Zabunov, D Klobcar, M Busic, ...
Metals 9 (5), 567, 2019
Wire arc additive manufacturing of mild steel
D Klobčar, M Lindič, M Bušić
Materials and Geoenvironment 65 (4), 179-186, 2018
Friction stir welding (FSW) of aluminium foam sandwich panels
M Bušić, Z Kožuh, D Klobčar, I Samardžić
Metalurgija 55 (3), 473-476, 2016
High energy density welding processes
B Bauer, M Bušić
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), 2011
Influence of the tool travel speed on friction stir processing of aluminium alloy AlCu4Mg1
M Bušić, Z Kožuh, D Klobčar
Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XII, Welding …, 2017
Zavarivanje trenjem aluminijskih sendvič panela rotirajućim alatom
M Bušić
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2015
Pregled tehnologija proizvodnje i spajanja metalnih pjena
S Kralj, K Zoran, B Matija
Zavarivanje 55 (5/6), 149-153, 2012
Influence of flux agent composition on the ionization potential in A-TIG welding of the electrolytic tough pitch copper (Cu-ETP) sheets
M Bušić, S Šolić, V Tropša, D Klobčar
Journal of materials research and technology 29, 1253-1261, 2024
A-TIG welding as a solution for nickel and manganese savings in duplex stainless steel welded joints
M Bušić, M Jurica, I Garašić, Z Kožuh
Machines. Technologies. Materials. 13 (1), 19-22, 2019
Comparison of joint strength produced by FSW, FSSW and a novel technique friction stir linear spot welding
D Klobčar, J Tušek, A Nagode, M Bušić, L Vladka
Zavarivanje-Welding 2014, 31-40, 2014
Utjecaj oblika i dimenzija alata pri zavarivanju trenjem rotirajućim alatom
S Kralj, M Bušić, Z Kožuh, D Klobčar
Zavarivanje-Welding 2014, 295-308, 2014
Friction stir welding of advanced pore morphology sandwich panels
S Kralj, K Damjan, Z Kožuh, M Bušić
Zavarivanje 56 (5/6), 163-172, 2013
Enhancing Directed Energy Deposited AL5356 Through in Situ Workpiece Vibrations
M Imširović, U Trdan, D Klobčar, D Bračun, A Nagode, L Berthe, M Bušić, ...
Advanced Technologies and Materials 49 (2), 43-47, 2024
Influence of Flux Agent Composition in A-TIG Welding Of Cu-ETP Sheets
M Bušić, S Šolić, V Tropša, D Klobčar
International Journal of Mining, Materials, and Metallurgical Engineering …, 2024
Održiva proizvodnja električnih spojeva od pune žice: ultrazvučno zavarivanja naspram lemljenja
A Logar, D Klobčar, A Nagode, U Trdan, G Černivec, M Bušić, M Milčić, ...
Zbornik radova, 2024
An influence of flux components in A-TIG welding of copper Cu-ETP sheets
M Bušić, S Šolić, V Tropša, D Klobčar
Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material …, 2024
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