Ali Hassoon Nahhab
Ali Hassoon Nahhab
University of Babylon, College of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department
Email yang diverifikasi di uobabylon.edu.iq
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Influence of content and maximum size of light expanded clay aggregate on the fresh, strength, and durability properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete reinforced with …
AH Nahhab, AK Ketab
Construction and Building Materials 233, 117922, 2020
Expansion and strength properties of concrete containing contaminated recycled concrete aggregate
SR Abid, AH Nahhab, HKH Al-aayedi, AM Nuhair
Case Studies in Construction Materials 9, e00201, 2018
Using of waste glass as fine aggregate in concrete
HK Ammash, MS Muhammed, AH Nahhab
Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences 2 (2), 206-214, 2009
The effect of aggregates with high gypsum content on the performance of ultra-high strength concretes and Portland cement mortars
M Gesoglu, E Güneyisi, AH Nahhab, H Yazıcı
Construction and Building Materials 110, 346-354, 2016
Properties of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites made with gypsum-contaminated aggregates and cured at normal and elevated temperatures
M Gesoglu, E Güneyisi, AH Nahhab, H Yazıcı
Construction and Building Materials 93, 427-438, 2015
The effects of carbonation on the chloride resistance of concretes with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)
AS AL-Ameeri, AH Nahhab, HM AL-Baghdadi
Young Researchers’ Forum V 5, 2021
The performance of self-consolidating concretes with lightweight aggregates
AK Ketab, AH Nahhab
TEST Engineering & Management 83, 14920-14932, 2020
volumechange and strength characteristics of normal and high-strength mortars: effect of aggregate type and water-binder ratio
AH Nahhab, GFA Zahra
Cogent Engineering 5 (1), 1542928, 2018
Mechanical Properties of Engineered Cementitious Composites with Low Cost Fibers and Recycled Glass Filler
SR Abid, AH Nahhab, AM Al-Dahawi, AL Kadhum, SH Ali
Sustainability 15 (13), 9952, 2023
Some Mechanical Properties of Concrete Reinforced with Reed Fibers
AH Nahhab
Al-Qadisiya Journal for Engineering Sciences 2 (1), 31-37, 2009
The effect of partial substitution of sand with palm ash on enhancing concrete properties
S Alqeisi, AH Nahhab
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation 9 (1), 51, 2024
Experimental Investigation on Sustainable Fibrous Lightweight Leca-Based Concrete with Fine Recycled Aggregates
AH Nahhab, MSA Dhaheer
GEOMATE Journal 26 (116), 37-45, 2024
Development of treated coarse recycled aggregate-based sustainable fibrous high-strength concrete with fine recycled aggregates
MSA Dhaheer, AH Nahhab, MS Nasr
Materials Science-Poland 42 (2), 1-15, 2024
The effect of using lightweight expanded clay aggregate on the performance of concrete tiles
HA Esal, AH Nahhab
AIP Conference Proceedings 2787 (1), 2023
Comparison between Lightweight Concrete and Lightweight Self-Compacting Concrete in Terms of Workability and Hardened Properties
AS Nehhaba, AH Nahhab
Solid State Technology 63 (1), 1658-1673, 2020
Mechanical Properties of High Strength Mortars Made with Fine Waste Concrete Aggregates and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
AH Nahhab
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences 26 (2), 338-355, 2018
Investigating properties of ultra-High Performance cementitious composites made with gypsum-contaminated aggregates
A Nahhab
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Drying shrinkage and sorptivity of mortar incorporated with palm Ash, silica Fume, or metakaolin
AH Abed, AH Nahhab
Materials Letters 385, 138146, 2025
Experimental investigations on the effect of internal sulfate attack on the behavior of normal and lightweight self-compacting reinforced concrete beam under flexural loading
HM ALshukri, H Talab, AH Nahhab
Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, 2025
Properties of Mortars Incorporating Binary and Ternary Blends of Palm Ash, Silica Fume, and Metakaolin.
A Hasan, AH Nahhab
Annales de Chimie Science des Matériaux 48 (6), 2024
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