S. Ali Arefifar, PhD, SMIEEE
S. Ali Arefifar, PhD, SMIEEE
Associate Professor at University of Michigan
Email yang diverifikasi di umich.edu
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Supply-Adequacy-Based Optimal Construction of Microgrids in Smart Distribution Systems
SA Arefifar, YARI Mohamed, THM El-Fouly
Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on 3 (3), 1491-1502, 2012
Optimum microgrid design for enhancing reliability and supply-security
SA Arefifar, ARIM Yasser, THM El-Fouly
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (3), 1567-1575, 2013
Energy management in multi-microgrid systems—Development and assessment
SA Arefifar, M Ordonez, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (2), 910-922, 2016
Comprehensive operational planning framework for self-healing control actions in smart distribution grids
SA Arefifar, YARI Mohamed, THM El-Fouly
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (4), 4192-4200, 2013
DG mix, reactive sources and energy storage units for optimizing microgrid reliability and supply security
SA Arefifar, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 5 (4), 1835-1844, 2014
Distributed generation, reactive sources and network-configuration planning for power and energy-loss reduction
ME Hamedani Golshan, SA Arefifar
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 153 (2), 127-136, 2006
Optimized multiple microgrid-based clustering of active distribution systems considering communication and control requirements
SA Arefifar, YARI Mohamed, T El-Fouly
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 62 (2), 711-723, 2014
Energy management in power distribution systems: Review, classification, limitations and challenges
MS Alam, SA Arefifar
IEEE Access 7, 92979-93001, 2019
Online tracking of power system impedance parameters and field experiences
SA Arefifar, W Xu
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 24 (4), 1781-1788, 2009
Optimal allocation of distributed generation and reactive sources considering tap positions of voltage regulators as control variables
MEH Golshan, S Ali Arefifar
European Transactions on Electrical Power 17 (3), 219-239, 2007
Improving solar power PV plants using multivariate design optimization
SA Arefifar, F Paz, M Ordonez
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (2), 638-650, 2017
Voltage and Current Controllability in Multi-Microgrid Smart Distribution Systems
SA Arefifar, M Ordonez, Y Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016
Probabilistic optimal reactive power planning in distribution systems with renewable resources in grid-connected and islanded modes
SA Arefifar, YARI Mohamed
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 61 (11), 5830-5839, 2014
PV Battery Charger Using an Resonant Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications
N Shafiei, M Ordonez, MAS Tokaldani, SA Arefifar
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 4 (1), 108-121, 2018
A review on self-healing in modern power distribution systems
SA Arefifar, MS Alam, A Hamadi
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 11 (6), 1719-1733, 2023
Enhancing oscillation damping in an interconnected power system with integrated wind farms using unified power flow controller
P He, SA Arefifar, C Li, F Wen, Y Ji, Y Tao
Energies 12 (2), 322, 2019
Spectral clustering for designing robust and reliable multi‐MG smart distribution systems
S Hasanvand, M Nayeripour, SA Arefifar, H Fallahzadeh‐Abarghouei
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (6), 1359-1365, 2018
Hybrid PSO-TS based distribution system expansion planning for system performance improvement considering energy management
MS Alam, SA Arefifar
IEEE Access 8, 221599-221611, 2020
Online tracking of voltage-dependent load parameters using ULTC created disturbances
SA Arefifar, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (1), 130-139, 2012
GPU-based sparse power flow studies with modified Newton’s method
L Zeng, SG Alawneh, SA Arefifar
IEEE Access 9, 153226-153239, 2021
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