Cesar Edil Da Costa
Cesar Edil Da Costa
Professor, Eng. Mecânica - UDESC
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P/M aluminum matrix composites: an overview
JD Torralba, CE Da Costa, F Velasco
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 133 (1-2), 203-206, 2003
Micro-abrasive wear mechanisms of borided AISI 1020 steel
AP Krelling, CE Da Costa, JCG Milan, EAS Almeida
Tribology International 111, 234-242, 2017
Mechanical behaviour of the interphase between matrix and reinforcement of Al 2014 matrix composites reinforced with (Ni3Al) p
JM Torralba, F Velasco, CE Costa, I Vergara, D Cáceres
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 33 (3), 427-434, 2002
Study of the influence of copper and magnesium additions on the microstructure formation of Zn–Al hypoeutectic alloys
EM da Costa, CE da Costa, F Dalla Vecchia, C Rick, M Scherer, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 488 (1), 89-99, 2009
Materiales compuestos de matriz metálica. I parte. Tipos, propiedades, aplicaciones
CE da Costa, FV López, JMT Castelló
Revista de metalurgia 36 (3), 179-192, 2000
Tribological behaviour of borided H13 steel with different boriding agents
AP Krelling, JCG Milan, CE Da Costa
Surface Engineering 31 (8), 581-587, 2015
UHMWPE/HA biocomposite compatibilized by organophilic montmorillonite: An evaluation of the mechanical-tribological properties and its hemocompatibility and performance in …
DLP Macuvele, G Colla, K Cesca, LFB Ribeiro, CE Da Costa, J Nones, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 100, 411-423, 2019
Wear behaviour of aluminum reinforced with nickel aluminide MMCs
CE Da Costa, WC Zapata, F Velasco, JM Ruiz-Prieto, JM Torralba
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92, 66-70, 1999
Aleación mecánica: Método de obtención de polvos metálicos y de materiales compuestos
EM Ruiz-Navas, CE da Costa, FV López, JMT Castelló
Revista de metalurgia 36 (4), 279-286, 2000
Characterization of casting iron powder from recycled swarf
CE da Costa, WC Zapata, ML Parucker
Journal of materials processing technology 143, 138-143, 2003
Wear and thermal behaviour of M2 high-speed steel reinforced with NbC composite
WC Zapata, CE Da Costa, JM Torralba
Journal of Materials science 33, 3219-3225, 1998
Sliding wear of borided sintered AISI M2 steel coated with AlTiN/CrN multilayer
EAS de Almeida, JCG Milan, HL Costa, AP Krelling, CE Da Costa
Wear 410, 11-24, 2018
Microabrasive wear behavior of borided steel abraded by SiO2 particles
AP Krelling, F Teixeira, CE da Costa, EAS de Almeida, B Zappelino, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (1), 766-776, 2019
Microstructure and properties of borided Monel 400 alloy
AP Krelling, FS Melo, EAS Almeida, CE Da Costa, JCG Milan
Materials Research Express 6 (10), 106410, 2019
Nanocomposite of photocurable epoxy-acrylate resin and carbon nanotubes: dynamic-mechanical, thermal and tribological properties
MN Santos, CV Opelt, SH Pezzin, SC Amico, CE Costa, JC Milan, ...
Materials Research 16, 367-374, 2013
HVOF-sprayed coating over AISI 4140 steel for hard chromium replacement
AP Krelling, MM Souza, CE Costa, JCG Milan
Materials research 21, e20180138, 2018
Acquired properties comparison of solid nitriding, gas nitriding and plasma nitriding in tool steels
E Aparecida dos Santos de Almeida, JCG Milan, C Edil da Costa
Materials Research 18 (1), 27-35, 2015
Multi-component boron and niobium coating on M2 high speed steel processed by powder metallurgy
E Franco, CE da Costa, JCG Milan, SA Tsipas, E Gordo
Surface and Coatings Technology 384, 125306, 2020
Study of the nitrided layer obtained by different nitriding methods
EAS Almeida, CE Costa, JCG Milan
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 20, 460-465, 2015
Effect of austempering temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of ductile cast iron modified by niobium
W Sckudlarek, MN Krmasha, KS Al-Rubaie, O Preti, JCG Milan, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 12, 2414-2425, 2021
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