Dr. Sana Malik
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Cultivating microalgae in wastewater for biomass production, pollutant removal, and atmospheric carbon mitigation; a review
A Shahid, S Malik, H Zhu, J Xu, MZ Nawaz, S Nawaz, MA Alam, ...
Science of the Total Environment 704, 135303, 2020
Pyrolysis and kinetic analyses of Camel grass (Cymbopogon schoenanthus) for bioenergy
MA Mehmood, G Ye, H Luo, C Liu, S Malik, I Afzal, J Xu, MS Ahmad
Bioresource technology 228, 18-24, 2017
Bioenergy potential of the residual microalgal biomass produced in city wastewater assessed through pyrolysis, kinetics and thermodynamics study to design algal biorefinery
A Shahid, M Ishfaq, MS Ahmad, S Malik, M Farooq, Z Hui, AH Batawi, ...
Bioresource technology 289, 121701, 2019
Advances in developing metabolically engineered microbial platforms to produce fourth-generation biofuels and high-value biochemicals
MA Mehmood, A Shahid, S Malik, N Wang, MR Javed, MN Haider, ...
Bioresource Technology 337, 125510, 2021
Impact of wastewater cultivation on pollutant removal, biomass production, metabolite biosynthesis, and carbon dioxide fixation of newly isolated cyanobacteria in a …
A Shahid, M Usman, Z Atta, SG Musharraf, S Malik, A Elkamel, M Shahid, ...
Bioresource Technology 333, 125194, 2021
Advances in pretreatment technology for handling the palm oil mill effluent: Challenges and prospects
A Ratnasari, A Syafiuddin, R Boopathy, S Malik, MA Mehmood, R Amalia, ...
Bioresource Technology 344, 126239, 2022
Characterization of a newly isolated cyanobacterium Plectonema terebrans for biotransformation of the wastewater-derived nutrients to biofuel and high-value bioproducts
A Shahid, S Malik, CG Liu, SG Musharraf, AJ Siddiqui, F Khan, NI Tarbiah, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 39, 101702, 2021
A novel wastewater-derived cascading algal biorefinery route for complete valorization of the biomass to biodiesel and value-added bioproducts
S Malik, A Shahid, MJ Betenbaugh, CG Liu, MA Mehmood
Energy Conversion and Management 256, 115360, 2022
Recombinant protein production in microalgae: emerging trends
N Ahmad, MA Mehmood, S Malik
Protein and Peptide Letters 27 (2), 105-110, 2020
Microalgal flocculation: global research progress and prospects for algal biorefinery
S Malik, F Khan, Z Atta, N Habib, MN Haider, N Wang, A Alam, EJ Jambi, ...
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 67 (1), 52-60, 2020
Developing fourth-generation biofuels secreting microbial cell factories for enhanced productivity and efficient product recovery; a review
S Malik, A Shahid, CG Liu, AZ Khan, MZ Nawaz, H Zhu, MA Mehmood
Fuel 298, 120858, 2021
Characterization of a newly isolated cyanobacterium Trichocoleus desertorum BERC08 as a potential feedstock for the algal biorefinery
F Khan, S Malik, A Shahid, AJ Siddiqui, SG Musharraf, H Zhu, ...
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 13 (6), 5283-5294, 2023
Thermodynamics and kinetics parameters of Eichhornia crassipes biomass for bioenergy
I Afzal, MS Ahmad, S Malik, M Ibrahim, OS Al Ayed, G Qadir, ...
Protein and Peptide Letters 25 (2), 187-194, 2018
Advances in green technologies for the removal of effluent organic matter from the urban wastewater
A Shahid, AZ Khan, S Malik, CG Liu, MA Mehmood, A Syafiuddin, N Wang, ...
Current Pollution Reports, 1-13, 2021
Two-stage algal cultivation for the biotransformation of urban wastewater’s pollutants into multiple bioproducts in a circular bioeconomy paradigm
AZ Khan, S Malik, MA Mehmood, A Shahid, T Shahzad, XQ Zhao, FW Bai, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 273, 116400, 2022
Prospects of multiproduct algal biorefineries involving cascading processing of the biomass employing a zero-waste approach
S Malik, A Shahid, MN Haider, M Amin, MJ Betenbaugh, MA Mehmood, ...
Current Pollution Reports 8 (2), 147-158, 2022
The culture technology for freshwater and marine microalgae
A Shahid, S Malik, MA Alam, N Nahid, MA Mehmood
Microalgae Biotechnology for Development of Biofuel and Wastewater Treatment …, 2019
Production and processing of algal biomass
A Shahid, AZ Khan, T Liu, S Malik, I Afzal, MA Mehmood
Algae based polymers, blends, and composites, 273-299, 2017
Characterization of a newly isolated self-flocculating microalga Bracteacoccus pseudominor BERC09 and its evaluation as a candidate for a multiproduct algal biorefinery
S Malik, MUF Ashraf, A Shahid, MR Javed, AZ Khan, M Usman, ...
Chemosphere 304, 135346, 2022
Impact of seasons and wastewater cultivation on the biomass and biodiesel production by the Plectonema terebrans BERC10 as a candidate for a multiproduct algal biorefinery
MN Haider, AZ Khan, M Usman, D Balakrishnan, MR Javed, S Malik, ...
Fuel 332, 125987, 2023
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