Robert Serrouya
Robert Serrouya
Biodiversity Pathways
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GPS radiotelemetry error and bias in mountainous terrain
RG D'Eon, R Serrouya, G Smith, CO Kochanny
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 430-439, 2002
Faster and farther: wolf movement on linear features and implications for hunting behaviour
M Dickie, R Serrouya, RS McNay, S Boutin
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (1), 253-263, 2017
Changes in landscape composition influence the decline of a threatened woodland caribou population
HU Wittmer, BN McLellan, R Serrouya, CD Apps
Journal of animal ecology 76 (3), 568-579, 2007
Aerial exposure tolerance off zebra and quagga mussels (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae): implications for overland dispersal
A Ricciardi, R Serrouya, FG Whoriskey
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52 (3), 470-477, 1995
Saving endangered species using adaptive management
R Serrouya, DR Seip, D Hervieux, BN McLellan, RS McNay, R Steenweg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (13), 6181-6186, 2019
Mule deer seasonal movements and multiscale resource selection using global positioning system radiotelemetry
RG D'Eon, R Serrouya
Journal of Mammalogy 86 (4), 736-744, 2005
Moose calving strategies in interior montane ecosystems
KG Poole, R Serrouya, K Stuart-Smith
Journal of Mammalogy 88 (1), 139-150, 2007
Developing a population target for an overabundant ungulate for ecosystem restoration
R Serrouya, BN McLellan, S Boutin, DR Seip, SE Nielsen
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (4), 935-942, 2011
Predator‐mediated Allee effects in multi‐prey systems
BN McLellan, R Serrouya, HU Wittmer, S Boutin
Ecology 91 (1), 286-292, 2010
Black bear (Ursus americanus) survival and demography in the Bow Valley of Banff National Park, Alberta
M Hebblewhite, M Percy, R Serrouya
Biological Conservation 112 (3), 415-425, 2003
Using predator-prey theory to predict outcomes of broadscale experiments to reduce apparent competition
R Serrouya, MJ Wittmann, BN McLellan, HU Wittmer, S Boutin
The American Naturalist 185 (5), 665-679, 2015
Experimental moose reduction lowers wolf density and stops decline of endangered caribou
R Serrouya, BN McLellan, H van Oort, G Mowat, S Boutin
PeerJ 5, e3736, 2017
Conservation strategies for species affected by apparent competition
HU Wittmer, R Serrouya, LM Elbroch, AJ Marshall
Conservation Biology 27 (2), 254-260, 2013
Spatial factors related to mortality and population decline of endangered mountain caribou
CD Apps, BN Mclellan, TA Kinley, R Serrouya, DR Seip, HU Wittmer
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (7), 1409-1419, 2013
Why are caribou declining in the oil sands?
S Boutin, MS Boyce, M Hebblewhite
Habitat loss accelerates for the endangered woodland caribou in western Canada
M Nagy‐Reis, M Dickie, AM Calvert, M Hebblewhite, D Hervieux, DR Seip, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 3 (7), e437, 2021
Trophic consequences of terrestrial eutrophication for a threatened ungulate
R Serrouya, M Dickie, C Lamb, H van Oort, AP Kelly, C DeMars, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1943), 20202811, 2021
Population size and major valleys explain microsatellite variation better than taxonomic units for caribou in western Canada
R Serrouya, D Paetkau, BN McLELLAN, S Boutin, M Campbell, ...
Molecular Ecology 21 (11), 2588-2601, 2012
Fragmentation, dispersal and metapopulation function in remnant populations of endangered mountain caribou
H Van Oort, BN McLellan, R Serrouya
Animal Conservation 14 (3), 215-224, 2011
Evaluating functional recovery of habitat for threatened woodland caribou
M Dickie, R Serrouya, C DeMars, J Cranston, S Boutin
Ecosphere 8 (9), e01936, 2017
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