Fatayalkadri Citrawati
Fatayalkadri Citrawati
Research Staff, Research Centre for Metallurgy and Materials
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The effect of Ni on the formation of bainite in Fe-Ni lateritic steels through semi-continuous cooling method
F Citrawati, R Dwiwandono, L Firmansyah
International Journal of Technology 11 (1), 60-70, 2020
Analisa Strukturmikro dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Sifat Mekanis Batangan Rel Tipe R54 [Microstructure analysis and its effect to mechanical properties of rail track type R54]
R Dwiwandono, L Firmansyah, S Herbirowo, MY Hasbi, F Citrawati
Metalurgi 32 (2), 67-76, 2017
Study on the effect of solution treatment soaking time on structure development of modified FeNiMn steels
FM Ridlo, PA Paristiawan, DP Utama, F Citrawati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2232 (1), 2020
Analisis Kegagalan Pipa Boiler Superheater Pada Pabrik Kelapa Sawit
FC Lusiana, E Martides, G Gumilar
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin. doi 10, 2019
Investigation on the early stages of growth of secondary grains in a grain oriented silicon steel
F Citrawati, MZ Quadir, PR Munroe
Procedia Engineering 184, 750-755, 2017
Karakteristik Sifat Mekanik dan Strukturmikro Baja Laterit Paduan Ni-Cr-Mn Hasil Tempa Panas dengan Variasi Beban Tempa
S Herbirowo, B Adjiantoro, F Citrawati
vol 1, 35-42, 2018
The effect of Ni on mechanical properties and austempered microstructure developments in cold rolled low carbon Fe-Ni lateritic steels
MY Hasbi, F Citrawati, M Ariati
Materials Today: Proceedings 13, 229-234, 2019
Effect of heating rate and annealing temperature on secondary recrystallization of Goss grains in a grain orientated silicon steel
F Citrawati, MZ Quadir, PR Munroe
ISIJ International 57 (6), 1112-1120, 2017
Study on Phases Development and Mechanical Properties in a Fe-Ni-Al Carbide Free Bainitic Steel Based on Lateritic Steel After Warm Rolling
M Ariati, F Citrawati
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 541 (1), 012011, 2019
Grain boundary deformation phenomena and secondary growth of goss grains in a Fe-3.5% Si steel
F Citrawati, MZ Quadir, PR Munroe
ISIJ International 57 (10), 1874-1882, 2017
Effects of Cr addition and cold deformation on the mechanical properties of a FeNi bainitic steel
F Citrawati, SA Chandra, D Irawan, JT Wardono
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 8 (3), 2397-2404, 2022
Corrosion Behavior of a Predeformed Fe-Ni Lateritic Steel with Bainite Structure
M Rohmah, MS Anwar, R Roberto, F Citrawati
Key Engineering Materials 867, 8-16, 2020
Identification of bainite in a multi-phase microstructure of an austempered steel alloy: A metallography approach
MY Hasbi, MR Wida'atullah, F Citrawati, SA Chandra, L Suhaemi
Indonesian Journal of Materials Science 23 (1), 43-49, 2021
Wear resistance of hot rolled FeNiCr steel with various austempering temperature
L Lusiana, T Aldamai, YM Zulaida, R Roberto, DP Utama, F Citrawati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2382 (1), 2021
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (ReX&GG 2016)
E Holm, S Farjami, P Manohar, G Rohrer, A Rollett, D Srolovitz, H Weiland
Springer, 2016
Effects of Austempering Temperature on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe–Ni Bainitic Steel with Al Addition for Railroad Tracks
M Rohmah, MY Hasbi, F Citrawati
Metal Science and Heat Treatment 66 (3), 228-236, 2024
Influence of hot rolling reduction variations to the orientation distribution of a non-oriented Fe-4Si steel
F Citrawati, SA Chandra, R Roberto, DP Utama, TH Priyanto, MY Hasbi, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 3003 (1), 2024
Effect of Post-Weld Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Austempered FeNiCr Steel Welded Joint
SA Chandra, D Zulkarnaen, DP Utama, R Roberto, MY Hasbi, W Winarto, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 543, 03006, 2024
Texture Evolution of Bainitic Steels Processed from Nickel Lateritic Ores: A Neutron-Diffraction Investigation
AW Pramono, TH Priyanto, F Citrawati, E Mabruri, MY Hasbi, A Insani
E3S Web of Conferences 543, 03005, 2024
The Effect of Final Annealing Heating Rate on Abnormal Grain Growth in a Fe-3.5% Si Steel
F Citrawati, MZ Quadir, P Munroe
Materials Science Forum 879, 350-355, 2017
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