Serge A. Shapiro
Serge A. Shapiro
Professor of Geophysics, Freie Universität Berlin
Email yang diverifikasi di geophysik.fu-berlin.de - Beranda
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Modeling the propagation of elastic waves using a modified finite-difference grid
EH Saenger, N Gold, SA Shapiro
Wave motion 31 (1), 77-92, 2000
Estimating the crust permeability from fluid-injection-induced seismic emission at the KTB site
SA Shapiro, E Huenges, G Borm
Geophysical Journal International 131 (2), F15-F18, 1997
Characterization of fluid transport properties of reservoirs using induced microseismicity
SA Shapiro, E Rothert, V Rath, J Rindschwentner
Geophysics 67 (1), 212-220, 2002
Elastic piezosensitivity of porous and fractured rocks
SA Shapiro
Geophysics 68 (2), 482-486, 2003
Fluid‐induced seismicity: Pressure diffusion and hydraulic fracturing
SA Shapiro, C Dinske
Geophysical Prospecting 57 (2), 301-310, 2009
Seismogenic index and magnitude probability of earthquakes induced during reservoir fluid stimulations
SA Shapiro, C Dinske, C Langenbruch, F Wenzel
The Leading Edge 29 (3), 304-309, 2010
Fluid-induced seismicity
SA Shapiro
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Triggering of seismicity by pore-pressure perturbations: Permeability-related signatures of the phenomenon
SA Shapiro, R Patzig, E Rothert, J Rindschwentner
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupling in Fractured Rock, 1051-1066, 2003
Seismic imaging of a convergent continental margin and plateau in the central Andes (Andean Continental Research Project 1996 (ANCORP'96))
ANCORP Working Group
J. geophys. Res. 108, 2328, 2003
Large-scale in situ permeability tensor of rocks from induced microseismicity
SA Shapiro, P Audigane, JJ Royer
Geophysical Journal International 137 (1), 207-213, 1999
Generalization of Gassmann equations for porous media saturated with a solid material
R Ciz, SA Shapiro
Geophysics 72 (6), A75-A79, 2007
Pore‐pressure diffusion: A possible triggering mechanism for the earthquake swarms 2000 in Vogtland/NW‐Bohemia, central Europe
M Parotidis, E Rothert, SA Shapiro
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (20), 2003
Effective velocities in fractured media: a numerical study using the rotated staggered finite‐difference grid
EH Saenger, SA Shapiro
Geophysical Prospecting 50 (2), 183-194, 2002
Hydraulic‐fracturing controlled dynamics of microseismic clouds
SA Shapiro, C Dinske, E Rothert
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (14), 2006
Scaling of seismicity induced by nonlinear fluid‐rock interaction
SA Shapiro, C Dinske
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B9), 2009
Fracturing of porous rock induced by fluid injection
S Stanchits, S Mayr, S Shapiro, G Dresen
Tectonophysics 503 (1-2), 129-145, 2011
Magnitudes of induced earthquakes and geometric scales of fluid-stimulated rock volumes
SA Shapiro, OS Krüger, C Dinske, C Langenbruch
Geophysics 76 (6), WC55-WC63, 2011
Back front of seismicity induced after termination of borehole fluid injection
M Parotidis, SA Shapiro, E Rothert
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (2), 2004
Microseismic monitoring of borehole fluid injections: Data modeling and inversion for hydraulic properties of rocks
E Rothert, SA Shapiro
Geophysics 68 (2), 685-689, 2003
Probability of a given‐magnitude earthquake induced by a fluid injection
SA Shapiro, C Dinske, J Kummerow
Geophysical research letters 34 (22), 2007
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