David Rodney
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An adaptive finite element approach to atomic-scale mechanics—the quasicontinuum method
VB Shenoy, R Miller, EB Tadmor, D Rodney, R Phillips, M Ortiz
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 47 (3), 611-642, 1999
The role of collinear interaction in dislocation-induced hardening
R Madec, B Devincre, L Kubin, T Hoc, D Rodney
Science 301 (5641), 1879-1882, 2003
Modeling the mechanics of amorphous solids at different length scale and time scale
D Rodney, A Tanguy, D Vandembroucq
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 19 (8), 083001, 2011
Ab initio modeling of dislocation core properties in metals and semiconductors
D Rodney, L Ventelon, E Clouet, L Pizzagalli, F Willaime
Acta Materialia 124, 633-659, 2017
Phase field methods and dislocations
D Rodney, Y Le Bouar, A Finel
Acta materialia 51 (1), 17-30, 2003
The glide of screw dislocations in bcc Fe: atomistic static and dynamic simulations
J Chaussidon, M Fivel, D Rodney
Acta materialia 54 (13), 3407-3416, 2006
Quantum effect on thermally activated glide of dislocations
L Proville, D Rodney, MC Marinica
Nature materials 11 (10), 845-849, 2012
Structure and strength of dislocation junctions: An atomic level analysis
D Rodney, R Phillips
Physical Review Letters 82 (8), 1704, 1999
Distribution of thermally activated plastic events in a flowing glass
D Rodney, C Schuh
Physical review letters 102 (23), 235503, 2009
Dislocation–obstacle interactions at the atomic level
DJ Bacon, YN Osetsky, D Rodney
Dislocations in solids 15, 1-90, 2009
Dislocation locking versus easy glide in titanium and zirconium
E Clouet, D Caillard, N Chaari, F Onimus, D Rodney
Nature materials 14 (9), 931-936, 2015
Molecular dynamics simulation of screw dislocations interacting with interstitial frank loops in a model FCC crystal
D Rodney
Acta Materialia 52 (3), 607-614, 2004
Atomic-scale simulation of screw dislocation/coherent twin boundary interaction in Al, Au, Cu and Ni
M Chassagne, M Legros, D Rodney
Acta Materialia 59 (4), 1456-1463, 2011
Plastic anisotropy and dislocation trajectory in BCC metals
L Dezerald, D Rodney, E Clouet, L Ventelon, F Willaime
Nature communications 7 (1), 11695, 2016
Dislocation pinning by glissile interstitial loops in a nickel crystal: a molecular-dynamics study
D Rodney, G Martin
Physical Review B 61 (13), 8714, 2000
On the importance of prismatic/basal interfaces in the growth of (1¯ 012) twins in hexagonal close packed crystals
B Xu, L Capolungo, D Rodney
Scripta Materialia 68 (11), 901-904, 2013
Ab initio investigation of the Peierls potential of screw dislocations in bcc Fe and W
L Ventelon, F Willaime, E Clouet, D Rodney
Acta Materialia 61 (11), 3973-3985, 2013
Ab initio modeling of the two-dimensional energy landscape of screw dislocations in bcc transition metals
L Dezerald, L Ventelon, E Clouet, C Denoual, D Rodney, F Willaime
Physical Review B 89 (2), 024104, 2014
Reversible dilatancy in entangled single-wire materials
D Rodney, B Gadot, OR Martinez, SR Du Roscoat, L Orgéas
Nature materials 15 (1), 72-77, 2016
Atomic-scale study of dislocation–stacking fault tetrahedron interactions. Part I: mechanisms
YN Osetsky, D Rodney, DJ Bacon
Philosophical Magazine 86 (16), 2295-2313, 2006
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