Alan Puttock
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Eurasian beaver activity increases water storage, attenuates flow and mitigates diffuse pollution from intensively-managed grasslands
A Puttock, HA Graham, AM Cunliffe, M Elliott, RE Brazier
Science of the total environment 576, 430-443, 2017
Beaver: Nature's ecosystem engineers
RE Brazier, A Puttock, HA Graham, RE Auster, KH Davies, CML Brown
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8 (1), e1494, 2021
Aerial photography collected with a multirotor drone reveals impact of Eurasian beaver reintroduction on ecosystem structure
AK Puttock, AM Cunliffe, K Anderson, RE Brazier
Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems 3 (3), 123-130, 2015
Sediment and Nutrient Storage in a Beaver Engineered Wetland
A Puttock, HA Graham, D Carless, RE Brazier
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2018
Beaver dams attenuate flow: a multi‐site study
A Puttock, HA Graham, J Ashe, DJ Luscombe, RE Brazier
Hydrological Processes, e14017, 2021
Unravelling perceptions of Eurasian beaver reintroduction in Great Britain
RE Auster, A Puttock, R Brazier
Area 52 (2), 364-375, 2020
Changes in ecosystem structure, function and hydrological connectivity control water, soil and carbon losses in semi‐arid grass to woody vegetation transitions
A Puttock, CJA Macleod, R Bol, P Sessford, J Dungait, RE Brazier
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 (13), 1602-1611, 2013
Woody plant encroachment into grasslands leads to accelerated erosion of previously stable organic carbon from dryland soils
A Puttock, JAJ Dungait, CJA Macleod, R Bol, RE Brazier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119 (12), 2345-2357, 2014
River otter beaver trial: Science and evidence report
RE Brazier, M Elliott, E Andison, RE Auster, S Bridgewater, P Burgess, ...
University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, 2020
Modelling Eurasian beaver foraging habitat and dam suitability, for predicting the location and number of dams throughout catchments in Great Britain
HA Graham, A Puttock, WW Macfarlane, JM Wheaton, JT Gilbert, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 66, 1-18, 2020
Using field sign surveys to estimate spatial distribution and territory dynamics following reintroduction of the Eurasian beaver to British river catchments
R Campbell‐Palmer, A Puttock, KA Wilson, A Leow‐Dyke, HA Graham, ...
River Research and Applications 37 (3), 343-357, 2021
Stable carbon isotope analysis of fluvial sediment fluxes over two contrasting C4‐C3 semi‐arid vegetation transitions
A Puttock, JAJ Dungait, R Bol, ER Dixon, CJA Macleod, RE Brazier
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26 (20), 2386-2392, 2012
Dryland, calcareous soils store (and lose) significant quantities of near‐surface organic carbon
AM Cunliffe, AK Puttock, L Turnbull, J Wainwright, RE Brazier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (4), 684-702, 2016
Survey of the Tayside area beaver population 2017-2018
R Campbell-Palmer, A Puttock, H Graham, K Wilson, G Schwab, ...
Beaver: nature’s ecosystem engineers. WIREs Water 8 (1): e1494
RE Brazier, A Puttock, HA Graham, RE Auster, KH Davies, CML Brown
Exploring the dynamics of flow attenuation at a beaver dam sequence
HA Graham, AK Puttock, M Elliott, K Anderson, RE Brazier
Hydrological Processes 36 (11), e14735, 2022
Quantifying the multiple, environmental benefits of reintroducing the Eurasian Beaver
R Brazier, A Puttock, H Graham, K Anderson, A Cunliffe, M Elliott
EGU general assembly conference abstracts, EPSC2016-7243, 2016
The study of land degradation in drylands: state of the art
T Hochstrasser, JDA Millington, VP Papanastasis, AJ Parsons, ...
Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised …, 2014
Learning to live with reintroduced species: beaver management groups are an adaptive process
RE Auster, AK Puttock, SW Barr, RE Brazier
Restoration Ecology 31 (5), e13899, 2023
Monitoring, modelling and managing beaver (Castor fiber) populations in the River Otter catchment, Great Britain
HA Graham, A Puttock, J Chant, M Elliott, R Campbell‐Palmer, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3 (3), e12168, 2022
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