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Industry-4.0-enabled digital transformation: Prospects, instruments, challenges, and implications for business strategies
MZ Yaqub, A Alsabban
Sustainability 15 (11), 8553, 2023
Micro-entrepreneurs: Motivations challenges and success factors
D Hussain, MZ Yaqub
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 56 (56), 22-29, 2010
Network innovation versus innovation through networks
MZ Yaqub, M Srećković, G Cliquet, G Hendrikse, J Windsperger
Industrial Marketing Management 90, 79-89, 2020
Antecedents, consequences and control of opportunistic behavior in strategic networks
MZ Yaqub
Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER) 7 (2), 2009
The roles of satisfaction, trust and commitment in value-creation in strategic networks
MZ Yaqub, A Malik, H Shah
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 2010
How socio-cultural transition helps to improve entrepreneurial intentions among women?
S Badghish, I Ali, M Ali, MZ Yaqub, A Dhir
Journal of Intellectual Capital 24 (4), 900-928, 2023
Unveiling Green Digital Transformational Leadership: Nexus between Green Digital Culture, Green Digital Mindset and Green Digital Transformation
MAA Alabdali, MZ Yaqub, R Agarwal, H Alofaysan, AK Mohapatra
Journal of Cleaner Production 450 (April), 141670, 2024
Green means long live - green competencies for corporate sustainability performance: a moderated mediation model of green organizational culture and top management support
M Ali, M Malik, MZ Yaqub, JC Chiapetta Jabbour, ABL de Sousa Jabbour, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 427 (November), 139174, 2023
Knowledge Sharing through Social Media Platforms in the Silicon Age
MZ Yaqub, Alsabban, A,S
Sustainability 15 (8), 6765, 2023
Strategic role of human resource development as boundary spanner
MU Hassan, MZ Yaqub
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 146-154, 2010
A meta analysis of the empirical evidence on expected utility theory
MZ Yaqub, G Saz, D Hussain
European Journal of Economics, Finance, and Administrative Sciences 15, 117-133, 2009
Relational governance as an antecedent to successful inter-firm relationships
MZ Yaqub
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 106-115, 2010
Value Enhancement through Value‐creating Relational Investments in Inter‐firm Relationships: The Moderating Role of Leverage Potential and Relational Polygamy
MZ Yaqub
Managerial and Decision Economics 34 (3-5), 328-346, 2013
Adoption of digital money (e-wallet) in the post COVID-19 era: The moderating role of low distribution charges and low transit time in impulsive buying: A developing country …
Q Wei, W Xiao, RMS Yaqub, M Irfan, M Murad, MZ Yaqub
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 984316, 2023
The efficacy of relational governance and value-creating relational investments in revenue enhancement in supplier–buyer relationships
MZ Yaqub, R Vetschera
New developments in the theory of networks: franchising, alliances and …, 2011
The Prolificacy of Green Transformational Leadership in Shaping Employee Green Behavior During Times of Crises in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Moderated Mediation Model
WM Zaid, MZ Yaqub
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1258990, 2024
The antecedents of relationship phase affect in alliances
MZ Yaqub
Management and Governance of Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives, and …, 2017
How do the relational investments affect relational outcomes?
MZ Yaqub, D Hussain
Journal of Applied Business Research 29 (2), 433, 2013
Privatization in emerging markets: Pakistan’s perspective
M Khan, M Yaqub, F Faisal, M Khan
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business 4 (1), 101-106, 2011
Does Multilingual Packaging Influence Purchasing in Retail Segment? Evidence from Multiple Experiments
F Tan, X Li, R Agarwal, Y Joshi, MZ Yaqub
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 79 (July), 103878, 2024
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