Marco Danelutto
Marco Danelutto
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Pisa
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Fastflow: High‐Level and Efficient Streaming on Multicore
M Aldinucci, M Danelutto, P Kilpatrick, M Torquati
Programming multi‐core and many‐core computing systems, 261-280, 2017
P3 L: A structured high‐level parallel language, and its structured support
B Bacci, M Danelutto, S Orlando, S Pelagatti, M Vanneschi
Concurrency: practice and experience 7 (3), 225-255, 1995
An advanced environment supporting structured parallel programming in Java
M Aldinucci, M Danelutto, P Teti
Future Generation Computer Systems 19 (5), 611-626, 2003
A methodology for the development and the support of massively parallel programs
M Danelutto, R Di Meglio, S Orlando, S Pelagatti, M Vanneschi
Future Generation Computer Systems 8 (1-3), 205-220, 1992
GCM: a grid extension to Fractal for autonomous distributed components
F Baude, D Caromel, C Dalmasso, M Danelutto, V Getov, L Henrio, ...
Annals of Telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 64, 5-24, 2009
Perspectives on grid computing
U Schwiegelshohn, RM Badia, M Bubak, M Danelutto, S Dustdar, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (8), 1104-1115, 2010
SPar: a DSL for high-level and productive stream parallelism
D Griebler, M Danelutto, M Torquati, LG Fernandes
Parallel Processing Letters 27 (01), 1740005, 2017
SkIE: a heterogeneous environment for HPC applications
B Bacci, M Danelutto, S Pelagatti, M Vanneschi
Parallel Computing 25 (13-14), 1827-1852, 1999
Accelerating code on multi-cores with fastflow
M Aldinucci, M Danelutto, P Kilpatrick, M Meneghin, M Torquati
Euro-Par 2011 Parallel Processing: 17th International Conference, Euro-Par …, 2011
An efficient unbounded lock-free queue for multi-core systems
M Aldinucci, M Danelutto, P Kilpatrick, M Meneghin, M Torquati
Euro-Par 2012 Parallel Processing: 18th International Conference, Euro-Par …, 2012
Stream parallel skeleton optimization
M Aldinucci, M Danelutto
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.12394, 2024
Behavioural skeletons in GCM: autonomic management of grid components
M Aldinucci, S Campa, M Danelutto, M Vanneschi, P Kilpatrick, P Dazzi, ...
16th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based …, 2008
ASSIST as a research framework for high-performance Grid programming environments
M Aldinucci, M Coppola, M Vanneschi, C Zoccolo, M Danelutto
Grid computing: Software environments and tools, 230-256, 2006
A reconfiguration algorithm for power-aware parallel applications
D De Sensi, M Torquati, M Danelutto
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 13 (4), 1-25, 2016
Targeting distributed systems in fastflow
M Aldinucci, S Campa, M Danelutto, P Kilpatrick, M Torquati
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 47-56, 2012
Skeletons for data parallelism in p31
M Danelutto, F Pasqualetti, S Pelagatti
Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing: Third International Euro-Par Conference …, 1997
Muskel: an expandable skeleton environment
M Aldinucci, M Danelutto, P Dazzi
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 8 (4), 2007
Skeleton-based parallel programming: Functional and parallel semantics in a single shot
M Aldinucci, M Danelutto
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 33 (3-4), 179-192, 2007
Components for high-performance grid programming in GRID. IT
M Aldinucci, S Campa, M Coppola, M Danelutto, D Laforenza, D Puppin, ...
Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications: Proceedings of the …, 2005
Structured parallel programming with “core” fastflow
M Danelutto, M Torquati
Central European functional programming school, 29-75, 2013
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