Zhixiang HE
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STCNN: A spatio-temporal convolutional neural network for long-term traffic prediction
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang
2019 20th IEEE international conference on mobile data management (MDM), 226-233, 2019
STANN: A spatio–temporal attentive neural network for traffic prediction
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang
IEEE Access 7, 4795-4806, 2018
GAME: Learning graphical and attentive multi-view embeddings for occasional group recommendation
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang
Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2020
DeepMAG: Deep reinforcement learning with multi-agent graphs for flexible job shop scheduling
JD Zhang, Z He, WH Chan, CY Chow
Knowledge-Based Systems 259, 110083, 2023
STNN: A spatio-temporal neural network for traffic predictions
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (12), 7642-7651, 2020
Diversity induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection
X Sun, ZX He, C Xu, X Zhang, W Zou, G Baciu
Pattern Recognition 66, 253-267, 2017
GRADI: Towards group recommendation using attentive dual top-down and bottom-up influences
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang, N Li
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 631-636, 2019
A comparative analysis of journey time from Google Maps and intelligent transport system in Hong Kong
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang
2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2019
Saliency detection via diversity-induced multi-view matrix decomposition
X Sun, Z He, X Zhang, W Zou, G Baciu
Asian conference on computer vision, 137-151, 2016
Pairwise and hyper-correlations based spatiotemporal neural networks for traffic speed predictions
Z He, JD Zhang, CY Chow, N Li, X Liu, P Lin, X Sun
2023 24th IEEE international conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 235-244, 2023
Gamit: A new encoder-decoder framework with graphical space and multi-grained time for traffic predictions
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 938-943, 2020
An Improved DBSCAN Clustering Method for AIS Trajectories Incorporating DP Compression and Discrete Fréchet Distance
X Liu, X Zhi, P Wang, Q Mei, H Su, Z He
International Conference on Spatial Data and Intelligence, 44-56, 2024
H3rec: Higher-order heterogeneous and homogeneous interaction modeling for group recommendations of web services
Z He, CY Chow, JD Zhang, KY Lam
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 16 (2), 1212-1224, 2022
Deep Smooth Random Sampling and Association Attention for Air Quality Anomaly Detection
P Wang, M Li, X Zhi, X Liu, Z He, Z Di, X Zhu, Y Zhu, W Cui, W Deng, ...
Mathematics 12 (13), 2048, 2024
Saliency detection via nonconvex regularization based matrix decomposition
Z He, X Sun, X Zhang, C Xu
2015 11th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2015
MiST: Enhancing Traffic Predictions with a Mixing Spatio-temporal Neural Network
Z He, M Gong, JD Zhang, X Liu, CY Chow, N Li, X Sun
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2024
Superpixel Matching Based Image Retrieval
Z He, X Sun, C Li, G Baciu, Y Li
Proceedings of the International Conference on Video and Image Processing …, 2017
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