Fernando J. Aranda
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Multi-Slot BLE Raw Database for Accurate Positioning in Mixed Indoor/Outdoor Environments
FJ Aranda, F Parralejo, FJ Álvarez, J Torres-Sospedra
Data 5 (3), 67, 2020
Performance analysis of fingerprinting indoor positioning methods with BLE
FJ Aranda, F Parralejo, FJ Álvarez, JA Paredes
Expert Systems with Applications 202, 117095, 2022
Precise drone location and tracking by adaptive matched filtering from a top-view ToF camera
JA Paredes, FJ Álvarez, T Aguilera, FJ Aranda
Expert Systems with Applications 141, 112989, 2020
BLE-GSpeed: A New BLE-Based Dataset to Estimate User Gait Speed
E Sansano-Sansano, FJ Aranda, R Montoliu, FJ Álvarez
Data 5 (4), 115, 2020
Comparative Study of Different BLE Fingerprint Reconstruction Techniques
F Parralejo, FJ Aranda, JA Paredes, FJ Álvarez, J Morera
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 0
Ratchet universality in the bidirectional escape from a symmetric potential well
R Chacón, PJ Martínez, JM Marcos, FJ Aranda, JA Martínez
Physical Review E 103 (2), 022203, 2021
A Blender-based simulation tool for Visible Light Positioning with portable devices
JD Gutiérrez, T Aguilera, FJ Álvarez, J Morera, FJ Aranda
2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2022
Continuous Non-Invasive Assessment of Gait Speed Through Bluetooth Low Energy
E Sansano-Sansano, R Montoliu, Ó Belmonte-Fernández, FJ Aranda, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (8), 8183-8195, 2022
Ensembling Multiple Radio Maps with Dynamic Noise in Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
J Torres-Sospedra, FJ Aranda, FJ Álvarez, D Quezada-Gaibor, I Silva, ...
2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), 1-5, 2021
A novel method for in-home Gait Speed estimation in Health Monitoring Using Bluetooth Low Energy
FJ Aranda, FJ Álvarez, F Parralejo, E Sansano-Sansano, R Montoliu
2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) 1 …, 2021
Noise-Resilient Acoustic Low Energy Beacon for Proximity-Based Indoor Positioning Systems
T Aguilera, FJ Aranda, F Parralejo, JD Gutiérrez, JA Moreno, FJ Álvarez
Sensors 21 (5), 1703, 2021
Finding optimal BLE configuration for indoor positioning with consumption restrictions
FJ Aranda, F Parralejo, T Aguilera, FJ Álvarez, J Torres-Sospedra
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2021
BLE Fingerprinting Automatic Calibration using an Ultrasonic IPS
F Parralejo, FJ Aranda, T Aguilera, FJ Álvarez, JA Moreno
2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2022
Posicionamiento por Trilateracion con Balizas Bluetooth de Baja Energıa Multiemisoras
FJ Aranda, F Parralejo, T Aguilera, FJ Alvarez
Comparativa de algoritmos basados en Machine Learning para el posicionamiento en interiores mediante tecnología BLE
F Parralejo, FJ Aranda, FJ Álvarez, MA Jaramillo
Distribución óptima de balizas BLE en un sistema de posicionamiento fingerprinting para interiores
FJ Aranda, F Parralejo, FJ Álvarez, T Aguilera
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