Prof. Mohammad Mosaferi
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Characterization of medical waste from hospitals in Tabriz, Iran
H Taghipour, M Mosaferi
Science of the total environment 407 (5), 1527-1535, 2009
Effect of exposure to O3, NO2, and SO2 on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospitalizations in Tabriz, Iran
MG Ghozikali, M Mosaferi, GH Safari, J Jaafari
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 2817-2823, 2015
Removal of Arsenic (III, V) from aqueous solution by nanoscale zero-valent iron stabilized with starch and carboxymethyl cellulose
M Mosaferi, S Nemati, A Khataee, S Nasseri, AA Hashemi
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 12, 1-11, 2014
Prevalence of skin lesions and exposure to arsenic in drinking water in Iran
M Mosaferi, M Yunesian, S Dastgiri, A Mesdaghinia, N Esmailnasab
Science of the total environment 390 (1), 69-76, 2008
Heavy metals pollution in the soils of suburban areas in big cities: a case study
H Taghipour, M Mosaferi, F Armanfar, SJ Gaemmagami
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10, 243-250, 2013
Arsenic exposure, dermatological lesions, hypertension, and chromosomal abnormalities among people in a rural community of northwest Iran
S Dastgiri, M Mosaferi, MAH Fizi, N Olfati, S Zolali, N Pouladi, P Azarfam
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 28 (1), 14, 2010
The source of natural arsenic contamination in groundwater, west of Iran
B Keshavarzi, F Moore, M Mosaferi, F Rahmani
Water Quality, Exposure and Health 3 (3), 135-147, 2011
The challenge of medical waste management: a case study in northwest Iran-Tabriz
H Taghipour, M Mosaferi
Waste Management & Research 27 (4), 328-335, 2009
Comprehensive investigation of groundwater quality in the north-west of Iran: Physicochemical and heavy metal analysis
M Shakerkhatibi, M Mosaferi, M Pourakbar, M Ahmadnejad, N Safavi, ...
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 8, 156-168, 2019
Heavy metals in the vegetables collected from production sites
H Taghipour, M Mosaferi
Health promotion perspectives 3 (2), 185, 2013
Quality modeling of drinking groundwater using GIS in rural communities, northwest of Iran
M Mosaferi, M Pourakbar, M Shakerkhatibi, E Fatehifar, M Belvasi
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 12, 1-14, 2014
Micronutrient and heavy metal concentrations in basil plant cultivated on irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge-treated soil and evaluation of human health risk
B Asgari Lajayer, NA Najafi, E Moghiseh, M Mosaferi, J Hadian
فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی گیاهان دارویی 3 (71), 99-117, 2019
First indoor radon mapping and assessment excess lifetime cancer risk in Iran
S Sherafat, SN Mansour, M Mosaferi, N Aminisani, Z Yousefi, S Maleki
MethodsX 6, 2205-2216, 2019
Removal of heavy metals (Cu2+ and Cd2+) from effluent using gamma irradiation, titanium dioxide nanoparticles and methanol
B Asgari Lajayer, N Najafi, E Moghiseh, M Mosaferi, J Hadian
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry 8, 483-496, 2018
National and sub-national drinking water fluoride concentrations and prevalence of fluorosis and of decayed, missed, and filled teeth in Iran from 1990 to 2015: a systematic review
Study of arsenic presence in drinking water sources: a case study
M Mosaferi, H Taghipour, AM Hassani, M Borghei, Z Kamali, ...
Iranian Journal of Health and Environment 1 (1), 19-28, 2008
Arsenic occurrence in drinking water of IR of Iran: the case of Kurdistan Province
M Mosaferi, M Yunesion, A Mesdaghinia, A Naidu, S Nasseri, AH Mahvi
Fate of arsenic in the environment. Dhaka: BUET-UNU International Symposium …, 2003
Predicting the capability of carboxymethyl cellulose-stabilized iron nanoparticles for the remediation of arsenite from water using the response surface methodology (RSM) model …
A Mohammadi, S Nemati, M Mosaferi, A Abdollahnejhad, M Almasian, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 203, 85-92, 2017
E-waste management challenges in Iran: presenting some strategies for improvement of current conditions
H Taghipour, P Nowrouz, MA Jafarabadi, J Nazari, AA Hashemi, ...
Waste Management & Research 30 (11), 1138-1144, 2012
Correlation between arsenic concentration in drinking water and human hair
M Mosaferi, M Yunesian, AR Mesdaghinia, S Nasseri, AH Mahvi, H Nadim
Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2 (1), 13-21, 2005
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