M. R. Sakr
M. R. Sakr
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University
Email yang diverifikasi di alexu.edu.eg
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One-dimensional quantum confinement effect modulated thermoelectric properties in InAs nanowires
Y Tian, MR Sakr, JM Kinder, D Liang, MJ MacDonald, RLJ Qiu, HJ Gao, ...
Nano letters 12 (12), 6492-6497, 2012
Pauli spin susceptibility of a strongly correlated two-dimensional electron liquid
AA Shashkin, S Anissimova, MR Sakr, SV Kravchenko, VT Dolgopolov, ...
Physical review letters 96 (3), 036403, 2006
Fabrication and characterization of electrostatic Si∕ SiGe quantum dots with an integrated read-out channel
MR Sakr, HW Jiang, E Yablonovitch, ET Croke
Applied Physics Letters 87 (22), 2005
Nanoengineering NixFe1−x Catalysts for Gas-Phase, Selective Synthesis of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
WH Chiang, M Sakr, XPA Gao, RM Sankaran
ACS nano 3 (12), 4023-4032, 2009
One-dimensional weak localization of electrons in a single InAs nanowire
D Liang, MR Sakr, XPA Gao
Nano Letters 9 (4), 1709-1712, 2009
Magnetization of a Strongly Interacting Two-Dimensional Electron System<? format?> in Perpendicular Magnetic Fields
S Anissimova, A Venkatesan, AA Shashkin, MR Sakr, SV Kravchenko, ...
Physical review letters 96 (4), 046409, 2006
Temperature dependence of the low frequency noise in indium arsenide nanowire transistors
MR Sakr, XPA Gao
Applied physics letters 93 (20), 2008
Coherent backscattering near the two-dimensional metal-insulator transition
M Rahimi, S Anissimova, MR Sakr, SV Kravchenko, TM Klapwijk
Physical review letters 91 (11), 116402, 2003
Determination of the Rashba and Dresselhaus coupling constants using the conductance of a ballistic nanowire
MR Sakr
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44 (3), 635-640, 2011
Compressibility of a two-dimensional hole gas in a tilted magnetic field
M Rahimi, MR Sakr, SV Kravchenko, SC Dultz, HW Jiang
Physical Review B 67 (8), 081302, 2003
Thermodynamic magnetization of a strongly correlated two-dimensional electron system
SV Kravchenko, AA Shashkin, S Anissimova, A Venkatesan, MR Sakr, ...
Annals of Physics 321 (7), 1588-1601, 2006
In-plane electron g-factor anisotropy in nanowires due to the spin–orbit interaction
MR Sakr
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 64, 68-71, 2014
Electric modulation of optical absorption in nanowires
MR Sakr
Optics Communications 378, 16-21, 2016
Thermopower of a ballistic nanowire subjected to an in-plane magnetic field in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus interactions
R Srouji, MR Sakr
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 68, 210-214, 2015
Electrical manipulation of spins in a nanowire with Rashba interaction
MR Sakr
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 81, 253-258, 2016
Rashba control to minimize circuit cost of quantum Fourier algorithm in ballistic nanowires
AH Homid, MR Sakr, ABA Mohamed, M Abdel-Aty, ASF Obada
Physics Letters A 383 (12), 1247-1254, 2019
Direction dependence of the magneto-optical absorption in nanowires with Rashba interaction
MR Sakr
Physics Letters A 380 (39), 3206-3211, 2016
Stark shift and g-factor tuning in nanowires with Rashba effect
I Alhaddad, K Habanjar, MR Sakr
Physica B: Condensed Matter 475, 21-26, 2015
RAPID COMMUNICATIONS-Semiconductors II: Surfaces, interfaces, microstructures, and related topics-Fate of the extended states in a vanishing magnetic field: The role of spins …
MR Sakr, M Rahimi, SV Kravchenko
Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter 65 (4), 41303R, 2002
“Forbidden” transitions between quantum Hall and insulating phases in p-SiGe heterostructures
MR Sakr, M Rahimi, SV Kravchenko, PT Coleridge, RL Williams, ...
Physical Review B 64 (16), 161308, 2001
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