Raphaël Nowak
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Consuming music in the digital age: Technologies, roles and everyday life
R Nowak
Springer, 2016
The sound of music heritage: curating popular music in music museums and exhibitions
S Baker, L Istvandity, R Nowak
International Journal of Heritage Studies 22 (1), 70-81, 2016
Curating popular music heritage: storytelling and narrative engagement in popular music museums and exhibitions
S Baker, L Istvandity, R Nowak
Museum Management and Curatorship 31 (4), 369-385, 2016
Analysing everyday sound environments: The space, time and corporality of musical listening
R Nowak, A Bennett
Cultural Sociology 8 (4), 426-442, 2014
“Vaporwave is (not) a critique of capitalism”: Genre work in an online music scene
R Nowak, A Whelan
Open Cultural Studies 2 (1), 451-462, 2018
When is a discovery? The affective dimensions of discovery in music consumption
R Nowak
Popular Communication 14 (3), 137-145, 2016
Friendships with benefits? Examining the role of friendship in semi-structured interviews within music research
R Nowak, J Haynes
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-13, 2018
Curating Pop
S Baker, R Nowak, L Istvandity
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019
A cultural justice approach to popular music heritage in deindustrialising cities
Z Cantillon, S Baker, R Nowak
International Journal of Heritage Studies 27 (1), 73-89, 2021
Investigating the interactions between individuals and music technologies within contemporary modes of music consumption
R Nowak
First Monday, 2014
Tastes of our time: analysing age cohort effects in the contemporary distribution of music tastes
H Glevarec, R Nowak, D Mahut
Cultural Trends 29 (3), 182-198, 2020
Networked music cultures: Contemporary approaches, emerging issues
R Nowak, A Whelan
Springer, 2016
Consommer la musique à l’ère du numérique: vers une analyse des environnements sonores
R Nowak
Volume!. La revue des musiques populaires, 227-228, 2013
Music listening activities in the digital age: An act of cultural participation through adequate music
R Nowak
Leonardo Music Journal 26, 20-23, 2016
Understanding everyday uses of music technologies in the digital age
R Nowak
Mediated youth cultures: The Internet, belonging and new cultural …, 2014
Music consumption and technological eclecticism: investigating generation Y’s adoption and uses of music technologies
R Nowak, A Bennett
Young 28 (4), 347-362, 2020
The multiplicity of iPod cultures in everyday life: uncovering the performative hybridity of the iconic object
R Nowak
Journal for Cultural Research 20 (2), 189-203, 2016
We were never cool: Investigating knowledge production and discourses of cool in the sociology of music
J Haynes, R Nowak
The British journal of sociology 72 (2), 448-462, 2021
Curatorial practice in popular music museums: An emerging typology of structuring concepts
S Baker, L Istvandity, R Nowak
European Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (3), 434-453, 2020
On the 15-year anniversary of Napster-Digital music as boundary object
R Nowak, A Whelan
First Monday, 2014
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