joyce neilson
joyce neilson
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Advances in carbonate exploration and reservoir analysis
J Garland, J Neilson, SE Laubach, KJ Whidden
The relationship between petroleum emplacement and carbonate reservoir quality: examples from Abu Dhabi and the Amu Darya Basin
JE Neilson, NH Oxtoby, MD Simmons, IR Simpson, NK Fortunatova
Marine and Petroleum Geology 15 (1), 57-72, 1998
Influence of carbonate facies on fault zone architecture
EAH Michie, TJ Haines, D Healy, JE Neilson, NE Timms, CAJ Wibberley
Journal of Structural Geology 65, 82-99, 2014
The relationship between petroleum, exotic cements and reservoir quality in carbonates–A review
JE Neilson, NH Oxtoby
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (8), 778-790, 2008
Search for multimessenger sources of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos with advanced LIGO during its first observing run, ANTARES, and IceCube
A Albert, M André, M Anghinolfi, M Ardid, JJ Aubert, J Aublin, T Avgitas, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 870 (2), 134, 2019
Permeability evolution across carbonate hosted normal fault zones
TJ Haines, EAH Michie, JE Neilson, D Healy
Marine and Petroleum Geology 72, 62-82, 2016
Computation of fluid flow and pore-space properties estimation on micro-CT images of rock samples
M Starnoni, D Pokrajac, JE Neilson
Computers & Geosciences 106, 118-129, 2017
All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients in the second Advanced LIGO observing run
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
Physical Review D 99 (10), 104033, 2019
The impact of carbonate texture on the quantification of total porosity by image analysis
TJ Haines, JE Neilson, D Healy, EAH Michie, AC Aplin
Computers & geosciences 85, 112-125, 2015
Stylolite-controlled diagenesis of a mudstone carbonate reservoir: A case study from the Zechstein_2_Carbonate (Central European Basin, NW Germany)
E Humphrey, E Gomez-Rivas, D Koehn, PD Bons, J Neilson, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 109, 88-107, 2019
Stylolites and stylolite networks as primary controls on the geometry and distribution of carbonate diagenetic alterations
E Gomez-Rivas, JD Martín-Martín, PD Bons, D Koehn, A Griera, A Travé, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 136, 105444, 2022
Age and geologic setting of quartz vein-hosted gold mineralization at Curraghinalt, Northern Ireland: implications for genesis and classification
CM Rice, DF Mark, D Selby, JE Neilson, B Davidheiser-Kroll
Economic Geology 111 (1), 127-150, 2016
Quantitative analysis of stylolite networks in different platform carbonate facies
E Humphrey, E Gomez-Rivas, J Neilson, JD Martín-Martín, D Healy, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 114, 104203, 2020
Carbon isotopes, stratigraphy, and environmental change: the Middle–Upper Cambrian positive excursion (SPICE) in Port au Port Group, western Newfoundland, Canada
R Barili, JE Neilson, AT Brasier, K Goldberg, T Pastro Bardola, LF De Ros, ...
Canadian journal of earth sciences 55 (11), 1209-1222, 2018
Primary aragonite and high‐Mg calcite in the late Cambrian (Furongian). Potential evidence from marine carbonates in Oman
JE Neilson, AT Brasier, CP North
Terra Nova 28 (5), 306-315, 2016
Climatic and halokinetic controls on alluvial–lacustrine sedimentation during compressional deformation, Andean forearc, northern Chile
LA Evenstar, AJ Hartley, SG Archer, JE Neilson
Basin Research 28 (5), 634-657, 2016
The effect of rock type on natural water flooding and residual oil saturation below free water level and oil water contact: A case study from the Middle East
E Heydari-Farsani, JE Neilson, GI Alsop, H Hamidi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 193, 107392, 2020
An investigation of porosity–velocity relationships in faulted carbonates using outcrop analogues
D Healy, JE Neilson, TJ Haines, EAH Michie, NE Timms, MEJ Wilson
Effect of petroleum emplacement on reservoir quality in the Thamama reservoirs of Abu Dhabi
JE Neilson, NH Oxtoby, MD Simmons
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, SPE-36241-MS, 1996
Tectonic controls on residual oil saturation below the present-day fluid contact level in reservoirs of the Persian Gulf
E Heydari-Farsani, JE Neilson, GI Alsop, H Hamidi
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 190, 104133, 2020
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