Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Russell BarrowPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 11
Pollination by sexual deception—it takes chemistry to work
B Bohman, GR Flematti, RA Barrow, E Pichersky, R Peakall
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 32, 37-46, 2016
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity and chemical characterisation of Erythrina stricta Roxb.(Fabaceae)
K Akter, EC Barnes, WL Loa-Kum-Cheung, P Yin, M Kichu, JJ Brophy, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 185, 171-181, 2016
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Alkylations and hydroxymethylations of pyrazines via green Minisci-type reactions
B Bohman, B Berntsson, RCM Dixon, CD Stewart, RA Barrow
Organic Letters 16 (11), 2787-2789, 2014
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Accessing Polyoxygenated Dibenzofurans via the Union of Phenols and o-Benzoquinones: Rapid Syntheses of Metabolites Isolated from Ribes takare
MY Zhang, RA Barrow
Organic Letters 19 (9), 2302-2305, 2017
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Syntheses of the fungal metabolites boletopsins 7, 11, and 12 from the Papua New Guinea medicinal mushroom Boletopsis sp.
AM Beekman, RA Barrow
The Journal of organic chemistry 79 (3), 1017-1024, 2014
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Total Synthesis of Boletopsin 11 Enabled by Directed ortho-C(sp2)–H Arylation
MY Zhang, RA Barrow
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 83 (12), 6776-6782, 2018
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Parapheromones for thynnine wasps
B Bohman, A Karton, RCM Dixon, RA Barrow, R Peakall
Journal of chemical ecology 42, 17-23, 2016
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Discovery and synthesis of Boletopsins 13 and 14, brominated fungal metabolites of terrestrial origin
AM Beekman, SW Wossa, O Kevo, P Ma, RA Barrow
Journal of Natural Products 78 (8), 2133-2135, 2015
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Stereochemical assignment of the fungal metabolites pestalotiopsones D and E through enantiopure synthesis
AM Beekman, RA Barrow
Journal of Natural Products 76 (11), 2054-2059, 2013
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Identification of hydroxymethylpyrazines using mass spectrometry
B Bohman, GR Flematti, RA Barrow
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 50 (8), 987-993, 2015
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Annulations with Butenolides and Phthalides: New Entries to Isocoumarins, 3, 4-Dihydroisocoumarins, and Benzofurans
S Wang, GA Kraus
Synthesis 52 (19), 2821-2827, 2020
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 19
Pollinator specificity, floral odour chemistry and the phylogeny of Australian sexually deceptive Chiloglottis orchids: implications for pollinator‐driven speciation
R Peakall, D Ebert, J Poldy, RA Barrow, W Francke, CC Bower, ...
New Phytologist 188 (2), 437-450, 2010
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Discovery of pyrazines as pollinator sex pheromones and orchid semiochemicals: implications for the evolution of sexual deception
B Bohman, RD Phillips, MHM Menz, BW Berntsson, GR Flematti, ...
New Phytologist 203 (3), 939-952, 2014
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Fungal metabolites as pharmaceuticals
AM Beekman, RA Barrow
Australian Journal of Chemistry 67 (6), 827-843, 2014
Mandat: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
The discovery of 2, 5-dialkylcyclohexan-1, 3-diones as a new class of natural products
S Franke, F Ibarra, CM Schulz, R Twele, J Poldy, RA Barrow, R Peakall, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (22), 8877-8882, 2009
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
An In Planta-Expressed Polyketide Synthase Produces (R)-Mellein in the Wheat Pathogen Parastagonospora nodorum
YH Chooi, C Krill, RA Barrow, S Chen, R Trengove, RP Oliver, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (1), 177-186, 2015
Mandat: Australian Research Council
The Spider Orchid Caladenia crebra Produces Sulfurous Pheromone Mimics to Attract its Male Wasp Pollinator
B Bohman, RD Phillips, GR Flematti, RA Barrow, R Peakall
Angewandte Chemie 129 (29), 8575-8578, 2017
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Functional genomics‐guided discovery of a light‐activated phytotoxin in the wheat pathogen Parastagonospora nodorum via pathway activation
YH Chooi, G Zhang, J Hu, MJ Muria‐Gonzalez, PN Tran, A Pettitt, ...
Environmental Microbiology 19 (5), 1975-1986, 2017
Mandat: Australian Research Council
The production of a key floral volatile is dependent on UV light in a sexually deceptive orchid
V Falara, R Amarasinghe, J Poldy, E Pichersky, RA Barrow, R Peakall
Annals of Botany 111 (1), 21-30, 2013
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Metabolic Profiling and Identification of Shikonins in Root Periderm of Two Invasive Echium spp. Weeds in Australia
D Skoneczny, PA Weston, X Zhu, G Geoff M., RM Callaway, RA Barrow, ...
Molecules 22 (2), 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council
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