Measurement equivalence in cross-national research E Davidov, B Meuleman, J Cieciuch, P Schmidt, J Billiet Annual review of sociology 40 (1), 55-75, 2014 | 936 | 2014 |
Changing attitudes toward immigration in Europe, 2002–2007: A dynamic group conflict theory approach B Meuleman, E Davidov, J Billiet Social science research 38 (2), 352-365, 2009 | 742 | 2009 |
Values and support for immigration: A cross-country comparison E Davidov, B Meuleman, J Billiet, P Schmidt European sociological review 24 (5), 583-599, 2008 | 454 | 2008 |
Cross-cultural analysis B Meuleman Routledge Academic, 2012 | 327 | 2012 |
Migration to European countries: A structural explanation of patterns, 1980–2004 M Hooghe, A Trappers, B Meuleman, T Reeskens International Migration Review 42 (2), 476-504, 2008 | 323 | 2008 |
Explaining attitudes towards immigration policies in European countries: The role of human values E Davidov, B Meuleman Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (5), 757-775, 2012 | 295 | 2012 |
A Monte Carlo sample size study: How many countries are needed for accurate multilevel SEM? B Meuleman, J Billiet Survey Research Methods 3 (1), 45-58, 2009 | 293 | 2009 |
Immigrant integration policies and perceived group threat: A multilevel study of 27 Western and Eastern European countries E Schlueter, B Meuleman, E Davidov Social science research 42 (3), 670-682, 2013 | 284 | 2013 |
The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes to welfare deservingness W van Oorschot, F Roosma, B Meuleman, T Reeskens Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017 | 267 | 2017 |
The relationship between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: Analysis of European Social Survey data J Billiet, B Meuleman, H De Witte Migration Studies 2 (2), 135-161, 2014 | 248 | 2014 |
Gender differences in depression in 25 European countries after eliminating measurement bias in the CES-D 8 S Van de Velde, P Bracke, K Levecque, B Meuleman Social science research 39 (3), 396-404, 2010 | 234 | 2010 |
Using a multilevel structural equation modeling approach to explain cross-cultural measurement noninvariance E Davidov, H Dülmer, E Schlüter, P Schmidt, B Meuleman Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (4), 558-575, 2012 | 193 | 2012 |
Popular perceptions of welfare state consequences: A multilevel, cross-national analysis of 25 European countries W Van Oorschot, T Reeskens, B Meuleman Journal of European Social Policy 22 (2), 181-197, 2012 | 166 | 2012 |
Methodologie van de sociale wetenschappen: een inleiding H Roose, B Meuleman Academia Press, 2014 | 153 | 2014 |
Individual values, cultural embeddedness, and anti-immigration sentiments: Explaining differences in the effect of values on attitudes toward immigration across Europe E Davidov, B Meulemann, SH Schwartz, P Schmidt KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 66, 263-285, 2014 | 144 | 2014 |
Welfarism and the multidimensionality of welfare state legitimacy: Evidence from The Netherlands, 2006 W Van Oorschot, B Meuleman International Journal of Social Welfare 21 (1), 79-93, 2012 | 139 | 2012 |
Introduction.–The Refugee Reception Crisis in Europe. Polarized Opinions and Mobilizations A Rea, M Martiniello, A Mazzola, B Meuleman Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles; Bruxelles, 2019 | 133 | 2019 |
The comparability of measurements of attitudes toward immigration in the European Social Survey: Exact versus approximate measurement equivalence E Davidov, J Cieciuch, B Meuleman, P Schmidt, R Algesheimer, ... Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (S1), 244-266, 2015 | 131 | 2015 |
Economic conditions, group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions: a cross-national perspective B Meuleman, K Abts, P Schmidt, TF Pettigrew, E Davidov Journal of ethnic and migration studies 46 (3), 593-611, 2020 | 130 | 2020 |
Welfare deservingness opinions from heuristic to measurable concept: The CARIN deservingness principles scale B Meuleman, F Roosma, K Abts Social Science Research 85, 102352, 2020 | 117 | 2020 |