Shahrzad Esmaeili
Shahrzad Esmaeili
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On the precipitation-hardening behavior of the Al− Mg− Si− Cu alloy AA6111
S Esmaeili, X Wang, DJ Lloyd, WJ Poole
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 751-763, 2003
A yield strength model for the Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy AA6111
S Esmaeili, DJ Lloyd, WJ Poole
Acta Materialia 51 (8), 2243-2257, 2003
Modeling of precipitation hardening for the naturally aged Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy AA6111
S Esmaeili, DJ Lloyd, WJ Poole
Acta Materialia 51 (12), 3467-3481, 2003
Cluster evolution mechanisms during aging in Al–Mg–Si alloys
V Fallah, B Langelier, N Ofori-Opoku, B Raeisinia, N Provatas, S Esmaeili
Acta Materialia 103, 290-300, 2016
Precipitation strengthening of the aluminum alloy AA6111
X Wang, JD Embury, WJ Poole, S Esmaeili, DJ Lloyd
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 2913-2924, 2003
The sequence of precipitation in the Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy AA6111
X Wang, S Esmaeili, DJ Lloyd
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 37, 2691-2699, 2006
Modeling of precipitation hardening in pre-aged AlMgSi (Cu) alloys
S Esmaeili, DJ Lloyd
Acta materialia 53 (20), 5257-5271, 2005
Atomic-scale pathway of early-stage precipitation in Al–Mg–Si alloys
V Fallah, A Korinek, N Ofori-Opoku, B Raeisinia, M Gallerneault, ...
Acta materialia 82, 457-467, 2015
The role of double twinning on transgranular fracture in magnesium AZ61 in a localized stress field
S Niknejad, S Esmaeili, NY Zhou
Acta Materialia 102, 1-16, 2016
A study on the early-stage decomposition in the Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy AA6111 by electrical resistivity and three-dimensional atom probe
S Esmaeili, D Vaumousse, MW Zandbergen, WJ Poole, A Cerezo, ...
Philosophical Magazine 87 (25), 3797-3816, 2007
Characterizations of additive manufactured porous titanium implants
A Basalah, Y Shanjani, S Esmaeili, E Toyserkani
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 100 (7 …, 2012
Process parameters for hot stamping of AA7075 and D-7xxx to achieve high performance aged products
K Omer, A Abolhasani, S Kim, T Nikdejad, C Butcher, M Wells, S Esmaeili, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 257, 170-179, 2018
Bonding of immiscible Mg and Fe via a nanoscale Fe2Al5 transition layer
L Liu, L Xiao, J Feng, L Li, S Esmaeili, Y Zhou
Scripta Materialia 65 (11), 982-985, 2011
Resistance-spot-welded AZ31 magnesium alloys: Part I. Dependence of fusion zone microstructures on second-phase particles
L Xiao, L Liu, Y Zhou, S Esmaeili
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41, 1511-1522, 2010
Effect of composition on clustering reactions in AlMgSi (Cu) alloys
S Esmaeili, DJ Lloyd
Scripta Materialia 50 (1), 155-158, 2004
Multicomponent phase-field crystal model for structural transformations in metal alloys
N Ofori-Opoku, V Fallah, M Greenwood, S Esmaeili, N Provatas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (13), 134105, 2013
Improving microstructure and ductility in the Mg–Zn alloy system by combinational Ce–Ca microalloying
B Langelier, AM Nasiri, SY Lee, MA Gharghouri, S Esmaeili
Materials Science and Engineering: A 620, 76-84, 2015
Resistance spot welding of AZ series magnesium alloys: Effects of aluminum content on microstructure and mechanical properties
S Niknejad, L Liu, MY Lee, S Esmaeili, NY Zhou
Materials Science and Engineering: A 618, 323-334, 2014
Effect of natural aging on the resistivity evolution during artificial aging of the aluminum alloy AA6111
S Esmaeili, DJ Lloyd, WJ Poole
Materials Letters 59 (5), 575-577, 2005
Surface modification of Ti–6Al–4V alloy using laser-assisted deposition of a Ti–Si compound
M Alhammad, S Esmaeili, E Toyserkani
Surface and Coatings Technology 203 (1-2), 1-8, 2008
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