Alfredo Zafra
Alfredo Zafra
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Oxford
Email yang diverifikasi di eng.ox.ac.uk - Beranda
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Effect of hydrogen on the tensile properties of 42CrMo4 steel quenched and tempered at different temperatures
A Zafra, LB Peral, J Belzunce, C Rodríguez
international journal of hydrogen energy 43 (18), 9068-9082, 2018
Effect of warm shot peening treatments on surface properties and corrosion behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy
LB Peral, A Zafra, S Bagherifard, M Guagliano, I Fernández-Pariente
Surface and Coatings Technology 401, 126285, 2020
Effect of hydrogen on the fatigue crack growth rate of quenched and tempered CrMo and CrMoV steels
LB Peral, A Zafra, S Blasón, C Rodríguez, J Belzunce
International Journal of Fatigue 120, 201-214, 2019
Effects of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of CrMo and CrMoV steels quenched and tempered at different temperatures
LB Peral, A Zafra, J Belzunce, C Rodríguez
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (7), 3953-3965, 2019
Effect of internal hydrogen on the tensile properties of different CrMo (V) steel grades: Influence of vanadium addition on hydrogen trapping and diffusion
LB Peral, A Zafra, I Fernández-Pariente, C Rodríguez, J Belzunce
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (41), 22054-22079, 2020
Comparative study of embrittlement of quenched and tempered steels in hydrogen environments
V Arniella, A Zafra, G Álvarez, J Belzunce, C Rodríguez
international journal of hydrogen energy 47 (38), 17056-17068, 2022
Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in 42CrMo4 quenched and tempered steel: Influence of quenching temperature and plastic deformation
A Zafra, J Belzunce, C Rodríguez
Materials Chemistry and Physics 255, 123599, 2020
Effects of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of 42CrMo4 steel quenched and tempered at different temperatures
A Zafra, LB Peral, J Belzunce, C Rodríguez
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 171, 34-50, 2019
Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in A 42CrMo4 quenched and tempered steel: Influence of tempering temperature
A Zafra, LB Peral, J Belzunce
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (55), 31225-31242, 2020
Comparison of hydrogen diffusivities measured by electrochemical permeation and temperature-programmed desorption in cold-rolled pure iron
A Zafra, Z Harris, C Sun, E Martínez-Pañeda
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 98, 104365, 2022
Fracture toughness of coarse-grain heat affected zone of quenched and tempered CrMo steels with internal hydrogen: Fracture micromechanisms
A Zafra, G Álvarez, J Belzunce, JM Alegre, C Rodríguez
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 241, 107433, 2021
Simulation of hydrogen permeation through pure iron for trapping and surface phenomena characterisation
A Díaz, A Zafra, E Martínez-Pañeda, JM Alegre, J Belzunce, II Cuesta
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 110, 102818, 2020
Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth: Pre-charging vs in-situ testing in gaseous environments
A Zafra, G Álvarez, G Benoit, G Henaff, E Martínez-Paneda, C Rodríguez, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 871, 144885, 2023
Hydrogen embrittlement of the coarse grain heat affected zone of a quenched and tempered 42CrMo4 steel
A Zafra, J Belzunce, C Rodríguez, I Fernández-Pariente
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (33), 16890-16908, 2020
Hydrogen embrittlement testing procedure for the analysis of structural steels with Small Punch Tests using notched specimens
G Álvarez, A Zafra, FJ Belzunce, C Rodríguez
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 253, 107906, 2021
Hydrogen embrittlement analysis in a CrMoV steel by means of sent specimens
G Álvarez, A Zafra, FJ Belzunce, C Rodríguez
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 106, 102450, 2020
Sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement of AISI 4140 steel: A numerical study on fracture toughness
C Colombo, AZ García, J Belzunce, IF Pariente
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 110, 102810, 2020
SPT analysis of hydrogen embrittlement in CrMoV welds
G Álvarez, A Zafra, C Rodríguez, FJ Belzunce, II Cuesta
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 110, 102813, 2020
On the relative efficacy of electropermeation and isothermal desorption approaches for measuring hydrogen diffusivity
A Zafra, Z Harris, E Korec, E Martínez-Pañeda
international journal of hydrogen energy 48 (3), 1218-1233, 2023
Influence of tempering time on the fracture toughness of hydrogen pre-charged 42CrMo4 steel
A Zafra, G Álvarez, J Belzunce, C Rodríguez
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 117, 103197, 2022
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