Joseph A. Schmidt
Joseph A. Schmidt
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Refining the relationship between personality and subjective well-being.
P Steel, J Schmidt, J Shultz
Psychological bulletin 134 (1), 138, 2008
The effects of personality on job satisfaction and life satisfaction: A meta-analytic investigation accounting for bandwidth–fidelity and commensurability
P Steel, J Schmidt, F Bosco, K Uggerslev
Human relations 72 (2), 217-247, 2019
Voluntary retirement and organizational turnover intentions: The differential associations with work and non-work commitment constructs
JA Schmidt, K Lee
Journal of Business and Psychology 22, 297-309, 2008
Does pay‐for‐performance strain the employment relationship? The effect of manager bonus eligibility on nonmanagement employee turnover
D Pohler, JA Schmidt
Personnel Psychology 69 (2), 395-429, 2016
Preparing accounting students for ethical decision making: Developing individual codes of conduct based on personal values
NT Sheehan, JA Schmidt
Journal of Accounting Education 33 (3), 183-197, 2015
Strategic HR System Differentiation between Jobs: The Effects on Firm Performance and Employee Outcomes
JA Schmidt, D Pohler, CR Willness
Human Resource Management 57 (1), 65-81, 2018
Does emphasizing different types of person–environment fit in online job ads influence application behavior and applicant quality? Evidence from a field experiment
JA Schmidt, DS Chapman, DA Jones
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 267-282, 2015
No person is an island: The effects of group characteristics on individual trait expression
JA Schmidt, B Ogunfowora, JS Bourdage
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (7), 925-945, 2012
Human resource management practices and voluntary turnover: A study of internal workforce and external labor market contingencies
JA Schmidt, CR Willness, DA Jones, JS Bourdage
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (3), 571-594, 2018
Personality, interview performance, and the mediating role of impression management
JS Bourdage, J Schmidt, J Wiltshire, B Nguyen, K Lee
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 93 (3), 556-577, 2020
Making stronger causal inferences: Accounting for selection bias in associations between high performance work systems, leadership, and employee and customer satisfaction.
JA Schmidt, DM Pohler
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (9), 1001, 2018
Influences on the subjective well-being (SWB) of practicing social workers
JR Graham, JL Trew, JA Schmidt, TJB Kline
Travail Social Canadien, 9 (1), 2007
A longitudinal study of the antecedents and consequences of collective personality
B Ogunfowora, JA Schmidt
Human Performance 28 (3), 222-243, 2015
Do trends matter? The effects of dynamic performance trends and personality traits on performance appraisals
JA Schmidt
Academy of Management Discoveries 4 (4), 449-471, 2018
Collective turnover: organization design and processes or contagion effects?
D Kraichy, J Schmidt
Employee Relations: The International Journal 42 (2), 492-506, 2020
Personality, interview faking, and the mediating role of attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control
JS Bourdage, J Schmidt, J Wiltshire, B Nguyen, C Lee
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 28 (2), 163-175, 2020
The effects of team context on peer ratings of task and citizenship performance
JA Schmidt, TA O’Neill, PD Dunlop
Journal of Business and Psychology 36 (4), 573-588, 2021
Investigating relative and absolute methods of measuring HEXACO personality using self-and observer reports
PD Dunlop, D Holtrop, JA Schmidt, SB Butcher
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2019
Personality, group context, and performance behaviors in university football teams
JA Schmidt
Identifying the structure of within‐team variance in ratings of team constructs
JA Schmidt, PD Dunlop, TA O'Neill
Personnel Psychology 77 (3), 1129-1157, 2024
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