Jose C. Cunha
Jose C. Cunha
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade Ciencias e Tecnologia
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A graphical development and debugging environment for parallel programs
P Kacsuk, JC Cunha, G Dózsa, J Lourenço, T Fadgyas, T Antao
Parallel Computing 22 (13), 1747-1770, 1997
Grid computing: software environments and tools
OF Rana, JC Cunha
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Delta Prolog: a distributed backtracking extension with events
LM Pereira, L Monteiro, J Cunha, JN Aparicio
Third International Conference on Logic Programming: Imperial College of …, 1986
InStory: a system for mobile information access, storytelling and gaming activities in physical spaces
N Correia, L Alves, H Correia, L Romero, C Morgado, L Soares, ...
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in …, 2005
An integrated testing and debugging environment for parallel and distributed programs
J Lourenço, JC Cunha, H Krawczyk, P Kuzora, M Neyman, B Wiszniewski
EUROMICRO 97. Proceedings of the 23rd EUROMICRO Conference: New Frontiers of …, 1997
Monte Carlo code for high spatial resolution ocean color simulations
D D’Alimonte, G Zibordi, T Kajiyama, JC Cunha
Applied Optics 49 (26), 4936-4950, 2010
A debugging engine for a parallel and distributed environment
JC Cunha, T Antão
Proceedings of the 1st Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and …, 1996
Parallel Program development for cluster computing: methodology, tools and integrated environments
JC Cunha, P Kacsuk, S Winter
Nova Publishers, 2001
An experiment in tool integration: the DDBG parallel and distributed debugger
JC Cunha, J Lourenço, TR Antao
Journal of systems architecture 45 (11), 897-907, 1999
A framework to support parallel and distributed debugging
JC Cunha, J Lourenço, J Vieira, B Moscão, D Pereira
High-Performance Computing and Networking: International Conference and …, 1998
PARA 2008
B Allan, O Anshus, DA Bader, A Bencini, X Cai, R Ciegis, JC Cunha, ...
Euripides: Helen, 0
Delta-Prolog: A distributed logic programming language and its implementation on distributed memory multiprocessors
JC Cunha, PD Medeiros, MB Carvalhosa, LM Pereira
Implementations of Distributed Prolog, 335-356, 1992
A coordination language for collective agent based systems: GroupLog
F Barbosa, JC Cunha
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing-Volume 1, 189-195, 2000
An integrated course on parallel and distributed processing
JC Cunha, J Lourenço
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 30 (1), 217-221, 1998
Performance prediction of ocean color Monte Carlo simulations using multi-layer perceptron neural networks
T Kajiyama, D D’Alimonte, JC Cunha
Procedia Computer Science 4, 2186-2195, 2011
Future trends in distributed applications and problem-solving environments
JC Cunha, OF Rana, PD Medeiros
Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (6), 843-855, 2005
Pattern operators for grid environments
MC Gomes, OF Rana, JC Cunha
Scientific Programming 11 (3), 237-261, 2003
Programming in Delta Prolog.
JC Cunha, MC Ferreira, LM Pereira
ICLP, 487-502, 1989
Data analytics in the cloud with flexible MapReduce workflows
C Goncalves, L Assuncao, JC Cunha
4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2012
Extending grid-based workflow tools with patterns/operators
C Gomes, OF Rana, J Cunha
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 22 (3 …, 2008
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