Parallel distributed processing, volume 1: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition: Foundations DE Rumelhart, JL McClelland, PDP Research Group The MIT press, 1986 | 33057* | 1986 |
Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of artificial intelligence J McCarthy, PJ Hayes Readings in artificial intelligence, 431-450, 1981 | 6466 | 1981 |
RDF semantics P Hayes http://www. w3. org/TR/rdf-mt, 2004 | 1407 | 2004 |
The naive physics manifesto PJ Hayes Expert systems in the microelectronic age, 1979 | 1164 | 1979 |
The second naive physics manifesto PJ Hayes Readings in qualitative reasoning about physical systems, 46-63, 1989 | 904 | 1989 |
Named graphs, provenance and trust JJ Carroll, C Bizer, P Hayes, P Stickler Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 613-622, 2005 | 838 | 2005 |
The logic of frames PJ Hayes Readings in artificial intelligence, 451-458, 1981 | 683 | 1981 |
Naive physics I: Ontology for liquids PJ Hayes Readings in qualitative reasoning about physical systems, 484-502, 1989 | 624 | 1989 |
A Common-Sense Theory of Time. JF Allen, PJ Hayes IJCAI 85, 528-531, 1985 | 548 | 1985 |
KAoS policy and domain services: Toward a description-logic approach to policy representation, deconfliction, and enforcement A Uszok, J Bradshaw, R Jeffers, N Suri, P Hayes, M Breedy, L Bunch, ... Proceedings POLICY 2003. IEEE 4th International Workshop on Policies for …, 2003 | 513 | 2003 |
The consensus glossary of temporal database concepts—February 1998 version CS Jensen, CE Dyreson, M Böhlen, J Clifford, R Elmasri, SK Gadia, ... Temporal Databases: Research and Practice, 367-405, 1998 | 477 | 1998 |
OWL-QL—a language for deductive query answering on the Semantic Web R Fikes, P Hayes, I Horrocks Journal of Web Semantics 2 (1), 19-29, 2004 | 476 | 2004 |
Defining n-ary relations on the semantic web N Noy, A Rector, P Hayes, C Welty W3C working group note 12 (4), 2006 | 473 | 2006 |
In defence of logic PJ Hayes Proc. IJCAI-77, 559-565, 1977 | 457 | 1977 |
A consensus glossary of temporal database concepts CS Jensen, J Clifford, R Elmasri, SK Gadia, P Hayes, S Jajodia, ... ACM Sigmod Record 23 (1), 52-64, 1994 | 437 | 1994 |
When owl: sameas isn’t the same: An analysis of identity in linked data H Halpin, PJ Hayes, JP McCusker, DL McGuinness, HS Thompson The Semantic Web–ISWC 2010: 9th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2010 | 394 | 2010 |
Moments and points in an interval‐based temporal logic JF Allen, PJ Hayes Computational Intelligence 5 (3), 225-238, 1989 | 356 | 1989 |
Making believers out of computers HJ Levesque Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 81-108, 1986 | 351 | 1986 |
Named graphs JJ Carroll, C Bizer, P Hayes, P Stickler Journal of Web Semantics 3 (4), 247-267, 2005 | 347 | 2005 |
Turing test considered harmful P Hayes, K Ford IJCAI (1), 972-977, 1995 | 240 | 1995 |