Leo Škec
Leo Škec
Associate professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Rijeka
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Dikutip oleh
Analysis of a geometrically exact multi-layer beam with a rigid interlayer connection
L Škec, G Jelenić
Acta Mechanica 225 (2), 523-541, 2014
Enhanced simple beam theory for characterising mode-I fracture resistance via a double cantilever beam test
L Škec, G Alfano, G Jelenić
Composites Part B: Engineering 167, 250-262, 2019
Complete analytical solutions for double cantilever beam specimens with bi-linear quasi-brittle and brittle interfaces
L Škec, G Alfano, G Jelenić
International journal of fracture 215, 1-37, 2019
Identification of parameters of a bi-linear cohesive-zone model using analytical solutions for mode-I delamination
L Škec
Engineering fracture mechanics 214, 558-577, 2019
Mixed‐mode delamination in 2D layered beam finite elements
L Škec, G Jelenić, N Lustig
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 104 (8), 767-788, 2015
On Gc, Jc and the characterisation of the mode-I fracture resistance in delamination or adhesive debonding
L Škec, G Alfano, G Jelenić
International journal of solids and structures 144, 100-122, 2018
Analytical modelling of multilayer beams with compliant interfaces
L Skec, S Schnabl, I Planinc, G Jelenic
Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 44 (4), 465-485, 2012
Geometrically non-linear multi-layer beam with interconnection allowing for mixed-mode delamination
L Škec, G Jelenić
Engineering fracture mechanics 169, 1-17, 2017
Experimental and numerical study of rate-dependent mode-I failure of a structural adhesive
L Škec, G Alfano
The Journal of adhesion 99 (8), 1323-1355, 2023
Kinematics of layered reinforced-concrete planar beam finite elements with embedded transversal cracking
P Šćulac, G Jelenić, L Škec
International journal of solids and structures 51 (1), 74-92, 2014
Closed-form solutions for modelling the rotational stiffness of continuous and discontinuous compliant interfaces in two-layer Timoshenko beams
AF Siciliano, L Škec, G Jelenić
Acta mechanica 232 (7), 2793-2824, 2021
Glued timber-concrete beams–analytical and numerical models for assessment of composite action
L Škec, A Bjelanović, G Jelenić
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih …, 2013
Mixed‐mode delamination of layered structures modeled as Timoshenko beams with linked interpolation
M Ranjbar, L Škec, G Jelenić, D Ribarić
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 124 (8), 1773-1797, 2023
Determining Fracture Resistance of Structural Adhesives in Mode-I Debonding Using Double Cantilever Beam Test
I Hlača, M Grbac, L Škec
Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci) 22 (1), 59-74, 2019
Plain-and reinforced-concrete planar beam finite elements with embedded transversal cracking
G Jelenic, P Sculac, L Skec
Proceedings of ECCOMAS, 2012
Investigation of the influence of the loading arrangement on the measured mode-I fracture resistance
I Hlača, L Škec, D Ribarić, M Grbac
Journal of adhesion science and technology 38 (3), 397-424, 2024
Closed-form solutions for two-layer Timoshenko beams with interlayer slip, uplift and rotation compliance
AF Siciliano, L Škec, G Jelenić
Meccanica 58 (5), 893-918, 2023
Experimental and numerical study on the compressive behaviour of partially accessible concrete columns strengthened by a layer of high-performance concrete
AF Siciliano, L Škec, M Fossetti, G Jelenić
Structures 34, 4100-4112, 2021
On the use LEFM, NLFM and CZM in the analysis of a DCB test
L Škec, G Alfano, G Jelenic
Non-linear static analysis of multilayered 2D beams with various contact between layers
L Škec
University of Rijeka. Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2014
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