Steven Allan Kivelson
Steven Allan Kivelson
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Solitons in conducting polymers
AJ Heeger, S Kivelson, JR Schrieffer, WP Su
Reviews of Modern Physics 60 (3), 781, 1988
Importance of phase fluctuations in superconductors with small superfluid density
VJ Emery, SA Kivelson
Nature 374 (6521), 434-437, 1995
From quantum matter to high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides
B Keimer, SA Kivelson, MR Norman, S Uchida, J Zaanen
Nature 518 (7538), 179-186, 2015
How to detect fluctuating stripes in the high-temperature superconductors
SA Kivelson, IP Bindloss, E Fradkin, V Oganesyan, JM Tranquada, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 75 (4), 1201, 2003
Electronic liquid-crystal phases of a doped Mott insulator
SA Kivelson, E Fradkin, VJ Emery
Nature 393 (6685), 550-553, 1998
Effective-field-theory model for the fractional quantum Hall effect
SC Zhang, TH Hansson, S Kivelson
Physical review letters 62 (1), 82, 1989
Skyrmions and the crossover from the integer to fractional quantum Hall effect at small Zeeman energies
SL Sondhi, A Karlhede, SA Kivelson, EH Rezayi
Physical Review B 47 (24), 16419, 1993
Superconductivity and the quantum hard-core dimer gas
DS Rokhsar, SA Kivelson
Physical review letters 61 (20), 2376, 1988
Colloquium: Theory of intertwined orders in high temperature superconductors
E Fradkin, SA Kivelson, JM Tranquada
Reviews of Modern Physics 87 (2), 457-482, 2015
Topology of the resonating valence-bond state: Solitons and high-T c superconductivity
SA Kivelson, DS Rokhsar, JP Sethna
Physical Review B 35 (16), 8865, 1987
Phase separation in the t-J model
VJ Emery, SA Kivelson, HQ Lin
Physical review letters 64 (4), 475, 1990
Frustrated electronic phase separation and high-temperature superconductors
VJ Emery, SA Kivelson
Physica C: Superconductivity 209 (4), 597-621, 1993
Quantum spin liquids
C Broholm, RJ Cava, SA Kivelson, DG Nocera, MR Norman, T Senthil
Science 367 (6475), eaay0668, 2020
Spin-gap proximity effect mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity
VJ Emery, SA Kivelson, O Zachar
Physical Review B 56 (10), 6120, 1997
Theory of electron nematic order in LaFeAsO
C Fang, H Yao, WF Tsai, JP Hu, SA Kivelson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (22), 224509, 2008
Superconductivity in bad metals
VJ Emery, SA Kivelson
Physical Review Letters 74 (16), 3253, 1995
Nematic Fermi fluids in condensed matter physics
E Fradkin, SA Kivelson, MJ Lawler, JP Eisenstein, AP Mackenzie
Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 1 (1), 153-178, 2010
Global phase diagram in the quantum Hall effect
S Kivelson, DH Lee, SC Zhang
Physical Review B 46 (4), 2223, 1992
The frustration-based approach of supercooled liquids and the glass transition: a reviewand critical assessment
G Tarjus, SA Kivelson, Z Nussinov, P Viot
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (50), R1143, 2005
Quantum theory of a nematic Fermi fluid
V Oganesyan, SA Kivelson, E Fradkin
Physical Review B 64 (19), 195109, 2001
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