Matthias Demant
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The advent of modern solar-powered electric agricultural machinery: A solution for sustainable farm operations
S Gorjian, H Ebadi, M Trommsdorff, H Sharon, M Demant, S Schindele
Journal of cleaner production 292, 126030, 2021
Evaluating luminescence based voltage images of silicon solar cells
M Glatthaar, J Haunschild, R Zeidler, M Demant, J Greulich, B Michl, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (1), 2010
Quality control of as-cut multicrystalline silicon wafers using photoluminescence imaging for solar cell production
J Haunschild, M Glatthaar, M Demant, J Nievendick, M Motzko, S Rein, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 94 (12), 2007-2012, 2010
Microcracks in silicon wafers I: Inline detection and implications of crack morphology on wafer strength
M Demant, T Welschehold, M Oswald, S Bartsch, T Brox, S Schoenfelder, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (1), 126 - 135, 2016
Key aspects for fabrication of p-type Cz-Si PERC solar cells exceeding 22% conversion efficiency
S Werner, E Lohmüller, P Saint-Cast, JM Greulich, J Weber, S Schmidt, ...
33rd EU PVSEC, 406-412, 2017
Detection and analysis of micro-cracks in multi-crystalline silicon wafers during solar cell production
M Demant, S Rein, J Krisch, S Schoenfelder, C Fischer, S Bartsch, R Preu
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE, 1641-1646, 2011
Inline quality rating of multi‐crystalline wafers based on photoluminescence images
M Demant, S Rein, J Haunschild, T Strauch, H Höffler, J Broisch, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 24 (12), 1533-46, 2015
Impact of material and process variations on the distribution of multicrystalline silicon PERC cell efficiencies
S Wasmer, J Greulich, H Höffler, N Wöhrle, M Demant, F Fertig, S Rein
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7 (1), 118-128, 2016
Rating and sorting of mc-Si as-cut wafers in solar cell production using PL imaging
J Haunschild, IE Reis, T Chipei, M Demant, B Thaidigsmann, M Linse, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 106, 71-75, 2012
Learning Quality Rating of As-Cut mc-Si Wafers via Convolutional Regression Networks
M Demant, P Virtue, A Kovvali, XY Stella, S Rein
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (4), 1064-1072, 2019
Analysis of luminescence images applying pattern recognition techniques
M Demant, M Glatthaar, J Haunschild, S Rein
Proceedings of the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference …, 2010
Microcracks in silicon wafers II: implications on solar cell characteristics, statistics and physical origin
M Demant, T Welschehold, S Kluska, S Rein
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (1), 136 - 144, 2016
Micro-cracks in silicon wafers and solar cells: detection and rating of mechanical strength and electrical quality
M Demant, M Oswald, T Welschehold, S Nold, S Bartsch, S Schoenfelder, ...
Proceedings of the 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference …, 2014
Visualizing material quality and similarity of mc-Si wafers learned by convolutional regression networks
M Demant, P Virtue, A Kovvali, XY Stella, S Rein
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (4), 1073 - 1080, 2019
Comparison of inline crack detection systems for multicrystalline silicon solar cells
JM Greulich, M Demant, P Kunze, G Dost, K Ramspeck, A Vetter, C Probst
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10 (5), 1389-1395, 2020
Bifacial p-type silicon PERL solar cells with screen-printed pure silver metallization and 89% bifaciality
E Lohmüller, S Werner, MH Norouzi, S Mack, M Demant, S Gutscher, ...
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) 2017, 2017
Impact of texture roughness on the front-side metallization of stencil-printed silicon solar cells
A Lorenz, T Strauch, M Demant, T Fellmeth, TB Hofmeister, M Linse, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (4), 1237-1244, 2015
Two image processing tools to analyse alkaline texture and contact finger geometry in microscope images
T Strauch, M Demant, A Lorenz, J Haunschild, S Rein
Proceedings of the 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference …, 2014
Modelling of physically relevant features in photoluminescence images
M Demant, J Greulich, M Glatthaar, J Haunschild, S Rein
Energy Procedia 27, 247-252, 2012
Optical Characterization of Random Pyramid Texturization
K Birmann, M Demant, S Rein
Proceedings of the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference …, 2011
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