Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Gabriele MencagliPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Lachesis: a middleware for customizing OS scheduling of stream processing queries
D Palyvos-Giannas, G Mencagli, M Papatriantafilou, V Gulisano
Proceedings of the 22nd International Middleware Conference, 365-378, 2021
Mandat: Swedish Research Council, European Commission, Vinnova, Sweden
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 27
Keep calm and react with foresight: Strategies for low-latency and energy-efficient elastic data stream processing
T De Matteis, G Mencagli
ACM Sigplan Notices 51 (8), 1-12, 2016
Mandat: European Commission
Proactive elasticity and energy awareness in data stream processing
T De Matteis, G Mencagli
Journal of Systems and Software 127, 302-319, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Dspbench: A suite of benchmark applications for distributed data stream processing systems
MV Bordin, D Griebler, G Mencagli, CFR Geyer, LGL Fernandes
IEEE Access 8, 222900-222917, 2020
Mandat: European Commission
Parallel patterns for window-based stateful operators on data streams: an algorithmic skeleton approach
T De Matteis, G Mencagli
International Journal of Parallel Programming 45 (2), 382-401, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Elastic scaling for distributed latency-sensitive data stream operators
T De Matteis, G Mencagli
2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and …, 2017
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Efficient NAS benchmark kernels with C++ parallel programming
D Griebler, J Loff, G Mencagli, M Danelutto, LG Fernandes
2018 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and …, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Bringing Parallel Patterns Out of the Corner: The P3 ARSEC Benchmark Suite
D De Sensi, T De Matteis, M Torquati, G Mencagli, M Danelutto
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 14 (4), 1-26, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Elastic-PPQ: A two-level autonomic system for spatial preference query processing over dynamic data streams
G Mencagli, M Torquati, M Danelutto
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 862-877, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Teaching-trustworthy autonomous cyber-physical applications through human-centred intelligence
D Bacciu, S Akarmazyan, E Armengaud, M Bacco, G Bravos, C Calandra, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS …, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
Container-based support for autonomic data stream processing through the fog
A Brogi, G Mencagli, D Neri, J Soldani, M Torquati
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 17-28, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Windflow: High-speed continuous stream processing with parallel building blocks
G Mencagli, M Torquati, A Cardaci, A Fais, L Rinaldi, M Danelutto
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (11), 2748-2763, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
Algorithmic skeletons and parallel design patterns in mainstream parallel programming
M Danelutto, G Mencagli, M Torquati, H González–Vélez, P Kilpatrick
International Journal of Parallel Programming 49, 177-198, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
A divide-and-conquer parallel pattern implementation for multicores
M Danelutto, T De Matteis, G Mencagli, M Torquati
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for …, 2016
Mandat: European Commission
P3ARSEC: towards parallel patterns benchmarking
M Danelutto, T De Matteis, D De Sensi, G Mencagli, M Torquati
Proceedings of the symposium on applied computing, 1582-1589, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Parallel continuous preference queries over out-of-order and bursty data streams
G Mencagli, M Torquati, M Danelutto, T De Matteis
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (9), 2608-2624, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Continuous skyline queries on multicore architectures
T De Matteis, S Di Girolamo, G Mencagli
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28 (12), 3503-3522, 2016
Mandat: European Commission
Harnessing sliding-window execution semantics for parallel stream processing
G Mencagli, M Torquati, F Lucattini, S Cuomo, M Aldinucci
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 116, 74-88, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Data stream processing via code annotations
M Danelutto, T De Matteis, G Mencagli, M Torquati
The Journal of Supercomputing 74 (11), 5659-5673, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Power‐aware pipelining with automatic concurrency control
M Torquati, D De Sensi, G Mencagli, M Aldinucci, M Danelutto
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (5), e4652, 2019
Mandat: European Commission
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