Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Geoffrey C PoolePelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 5
Detecting and quantifying introgression in hybridized populations: simplifying assumptions yield overconfidence and uncertainty
P Della Croce, GC Poole, G Luikart
Molecular ecology resources 16 (6), 1287-1302, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, US …
Early detection of nonnative alleles in fish populations: when sample size actually matters
P Della Croce, GC Poole, RA Payn, RE Gresswell
Fisheries 42 (1), 44-56, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation
Spatially dependent responses of a large‐river fish assemblage to bank stabilization and side channels
AM Reinhold, RG Bramblett, AV Zale, GC Poole, DW Roberts
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146 (5), 967-982, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Landscape assessment of side channel plugs and associated cumulative side channel attrition across a large river floodplain
AM Reinhold, GC Poole, RG Bramblett, AV Zale, DW Roberts
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-15, 2018
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Influences of stream ecosystem respiration on stream network denitrification: Results from a simulation modeling experiment
SP Carlson, GC Poole
Freshwater Science 41 (3), 363-375, 2022
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 20
Characters matter: How narratives shape affective responses to risk communication
EA Shanahan, AM Reinhold, ED Raile, GC Poole, RC Ready, C Izurieta, ...
PLoS One 14 (12), e0225968, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Narrative Risk Communication as a Lingua Franca for Environmental Hazard Preparation
ED Raile, EA Shanahan, RC Ready, J McEvoy, C Izurieta, AM Reinhold, ...
Environmental Communication 16 (1), 108-124, 2022
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
A coupled metabolic‐hydraulic model and calibration scheme for estimating whole‐river metabolism during dynamic flow conditions
RA Payn, RO Hall Jr, TA Kennedy, GC Poole, LA Marshall
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15 (10), 847-866, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Flood dynamics dictate distributions of Elaeagnus angustifolia L.(Russian olive) on a riverine floodplain
NM West, AM Reinhold, GC Poole, EK Espeland
Biological Invasions 22 (12), 3493-3499, 2020
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Comparative use of side and main channels by small‐bodied fish in a large, unimpounded river
AM Reinhold, RG Bramblett, AV Zale, DW Roberts, GC Poole
Freshwater Biology 61 (10), 1611-1626, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Simulating the effects of stream network topology on the spread of introgressive hybridization across fish populations
P Della Croce, GC Poole, RA Payn, C Izurieta
Ecological Modelling 279, 68-77, 2014
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Persuasion with precision: Using natural language processing to improve instrument fidelity for risk communication experimental treatments
AM Reinhold, ED Raile, C Izurieta, J McEvoy, HW King, GC Poole, ...
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 17 (4), 373-395, 2023
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
Nutrient processing domains: Spatial and temporal patterns of material retention in running waters
HM Valett, M Peipoch, GC Poole
Freshwater Science 41 (2), 195-214, 2022
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Ecosystem engineering in the streambed: Net‐spinning caddisflies influence hydraulic properties
MJ MacDonald, LK Albertson, GC Poole
Ecohydrology 14 (2), e2266, 2021
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Describing alpine lake influence on stream network temperatures: A statistical modelling approach
SP Carlson, GC Poole
Hydrological Processes 35 (3), e14072, 2021
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Thinking through levees: how political agency extends beyond the human mind
NT Bergmann, J McEvoy, EA Shanahan, ED Raile, AM Reinhold, ...
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110 (3), 827-846, 2020
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Hyporheic hydraulic geometry: Conceptualizing relationships among hyporheic exchange, storage, and water age
GC Poole, SK Fogg, SJ O’Daniel, BE Amerson, AM Reinhold, SP Carlson, ...
Plos one 17 (1), e0262080, 2022
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Constraint-based simulation of multiple interactive elemental cycles in biogeochemical systems
AM Reinhold, GC Poole, C Izurieta, AM Helton, ES Bernhardt
Ecological Informatics 50, 102-121, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Net-spinning caddisflies create denitrifier-enriched niches in the stream microbiome
AD Bertagnolli, AJ Maritan, BB Tumolo, SF Fritz, HC Oakland, EJ Mohr, ...
ISME communications 3 (1), 111, 2023
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
A simple, reliable method for long‐term, in‐stream data logger installation using rock‐climbing hardware
SK Fogg, SJ O’Daniel, GC Poole, AM Reinhold, AA Hyman
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (5), 684-689, 2020
Mandat: US Department of Energy, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration …
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