Tim F. Schulze
Tim F. Schulze
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Photochemical upconversion: present status and prospects for its application to solar energy conversion
TF Schulze, TW Schmidt
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (1), 103-125, 2015
Improving the light-harvesting of amorphous silicon solar cells with photochemical upconversion
YY Cheng, B Fückel, RW MacQueen, T Khoury, RGCR Clady, TF Schulze, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (5), 6953-6959, 2012
Efficiency enhancement of organic and thin-film silicon solar cells with photochemical upconversion
TF Schulze, J Czolk, YY Cheng, B Fückel, RW MacQueen, T Khoury, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (43), 22794-22801, 2012
Dye-sensitized solar cell with integrated triplet–triplet annihilation upconversion system
A Nattestad, YY Cheng, RW MacQueen, TF Schulze, FW Thompson, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 4 (12), 2073-2078, 2013
Interplay of amorphous silicon disorder and hydrogen content with interface defects in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunctions
TF Schulze, HN Beushausen, C Leendertz, A Dobrich, B Rech, L Korte
Applied Physics Letters 96 (25), 2010
Hydrogen plasma treatments for passivation of amorphous-crystalline silicon-heterojunctions on surfaces promoting epitaxy
M Mews, TF Schulze, N Mingirulli, L Korte
Applied Physics Letters 102 (12), 2013
Electrical transport mechanisms in a-Si: H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells
TF Schulze, L Korte, E Conrad, M Schmidt, B Rech
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2), 2010
Band lineup in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunctions and the impact of hydrogen microstructure and topological disorder
TF Schulze, L Korte, F Ruske, B Rech
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (16), 165314, 2011
Electron‐beam crystallized large grained silicon solar cell on glass substrate
D Amkreutz, J Müller, M Schmidt, T Hänel, TF Schulze
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 19 (8), 937-945, 2011
Discerning passivation mechanisms at a-Si: H/c-Si interfaces by means of photoconductance measurements
C Leendertz, N Mingirulli, TF Schulze, JP Kleider, B Rech, L Korte
Applied Physics Letters 98 (20), 2011
Efficient interdigitated back‐contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells
N Mingirulli, J Haschke, R Gogolin, R Ferré, TF Schulze, J Düsterhöft, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 5 (4), 159-161, 2011
Increased upconversion performance for thin film solar cells: a trimolecular composition
YY Cheng, A Nattestad, TF Schulze, RW MacQueen, B Fückel, K Lips, ...
Chemical science 7 (1), 559-568, 2016
Photochemical upconversion enhanced solar cells: effect of a back reflector
TF Schulze, YY Cheng, B Fückel, RW MacQueen, A Danos, NJLK Davis, ...
Australian Journal of Chemistry 65 (5), 480-485, 2012
Accelerated interface defect removal in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterostructures using pulsed annealing and microwave heating
TF Schulze, HN Beushausen, T Hansmann, L Korte, B Rech
Applied Physics Letters 95 (18), 2009
A recombination model for a‐Si: H/c‐Si heterostructures
C Leendertz, R Stangl, TF Schulze, M Schmidt, L Korte
physica status solidi c 7 (3‐4), 1005-1010, 2010
Direct Link between Low-Temperature Magnetism and High-Temperature Sodium Order<?format ?> in
TF Schulze, PS Häfliger, C Niedermayer, K Mattenberger, S Bubenhofer, ...
Physical review letters 100 (2), 026407, 2008
Valence band offset in heterojunctions between crystalline silicon and amorphous silicon (sub) oxides (a-SiOx: H, 0< x< 2)
M Liebhaber, M Mews, TF Schulze, L Korte, B Rech, K Lips
Applied Physics Letters 106 (3), 2015
Atomic structure of interface states in silicon heterojunction solar cells
BM George, J Behrends, A Schnegg, TF Schulze, M Fehr, L Korte, B Rech, ...
Physical review letters 110 (13), 136803, 2013
Impact of Fermi-level dependent defect equilibration on Voc of amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells
TF Schulze, C Leendertz, N Mingirulli, L Korte, B Rech
Energy Procedia 8, 282-287, 2011
Passivation of textured substrates for a-Si: H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells: Effect of wet-chemical smoothing and intrinsic a-Si: H interlayer
H Angermann, E Conrad, L Korte, J Rappich, TF Schulze, M Schmidt
Materials Science and Engineering: B 159, 219-223, 2009
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