Peter Cappers
Peter Cappers
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Demand response in US electricity markets: Empirical evidence
P Cappers, C Goldman, D Kathan
Energy 35 (4), 1526-1535, 2010
Demand response for ancillary services
O Ma, N Alkadi, P Cappers, P Denholm, J Dudley, S Goli, M Hummon, ...
IEEE transactions on smart grid 4 (4), 1988-1995, 2013
Wind energy facilities and residential properties: the effect of proximity and view on sales prices
B Hoen, R Wiser, P Cappers, M Thayer, G Sethi
Journal of Real Estate Research 33 (3), 279-316, 2011
Default effects and follow-on behaviour: Evidence from an electricity pricing program
M Fowlie, C Wolfram, P Baylis, CA Spurlock, A Todd-Blick, P Cappers
The Review of Economic Studies 88 (6), 2886-2934, 2021
An assessment of market and policy barriers for demand response providing ancillary services in US electricity markets
P Cappers, J MacDonald, C Goldman, O Ma
Energy policy 62, 1031-1039, 2013
Demand response providing ancillary services: A comparison of opportunities and challenges in US wholesale markets
J MacDonald, P Cappers, D Callaway, S Kiliccote
The impact of wind power projects on residential property values in the United States: A multi-site hedonic analysis
B Hoen
Spatial hedonic analysis of the effects of US wind energy facilities on surrounding property values
B Hoen, JP Brown, T Jackson, MA Thayer, R Wiser, P Cappers
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 51, 22-51, 2015
An assessment of the role mass market demand response could play in contributing to the management of variable generation integration issues
P Cappers, A Mills, C Goldman, R Wiser, JH Eto
Energy Policy 48, 420-429, 2012
The benefits of customer participation in wholesale electricity markets
RN Boisvert, PA Cappers, B Neenan
The Electricity Journal 15 (3), 41-51, 2002
A spatial hedonic analysis of the effects of wind energy facilities on surrounding property values in the United States
B Hoen
An analysis of the effects of residential photovoltaic energy systems on home sales prices in California
B Hoen
Customer strategies for responding to day-ahead market hourly electricity pricing
C Goldman, N Hopper, R Bharvirkar, B Neenan, D Boisvert, P Cappers, ...
Mass market demand response and variable generation integration issues: A scoping study
P Cappers
Residential photovoltaic energy systems in California: The effect on home sales prices
B Hoen, R Wiser, M Thayer, P Cappers
Contemporary Economic Policy 31 (4), 708-718, 2013
Financial analysis of incentive mechanisms to promote energy efficiency: Case study of a prototypical southwest utility
P Cappers
Letting the sun shine on solar costs: An empirical investigation of photovoltaic cost trends in California
R Wiser, M Bolinger, P Cappers, R Margolis
Financial impacts of net-metered PV on utilities and ratepayers: a scoping study of two prototypical US utilities
A Satchwell, A Mills, G Barbose, R Wiser, P Cappers, N Darghouth
Estimating demand response market potential among large commercial and industrial customers: a scoping study
C Goldman, N Hopper, R Bharvirkar, B Neenan, P Cappers
Industrial and commercial customer response to real time electricity prices
R Boisvert, P Cappers, B Neenan, B Scott
Neenan Associates 10, 2004
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