Satoshi Saga
Satoshi Saga
Kumamoto University
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Lateral-force-based 2.5-dimensional tactile display for touch screen
S Saga, K Deguchi
2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 15-22, 2012
Simultaneous geometry and texture display based on lateral force for touchscreen
S Saga, R Raskar
2013 World Haptics Conference (WHC), 437-442, 2013
High‐resolution tactile sensor using the deformation of a reflection image
S Saga, H Kajimoto, S Tachi
Sensor Review, 2007
Detectability and perceptual consequences of delayed feedback in a vibrotactile texture display
S Okamoto, M Konyo, S Saga, S Tadokoro
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2 (2), 73-84, 2009
Haptic teaching using opposite force presentation
S Saga, N Kawakami, S Tachi
Proc. of the World Haptics, 18-20, 2005
Haptic video
S Saga, K Vlack, H Kajimoto, S Tachi
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Emerging technologies, 7-es, 2005
力覚の主体性を活用した教示手法に関する研究 (「複合現実感 3」 特集)
嵯峨智, 川上直樹
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 10 (3), 363-369, 2005
Validation of simulated robots with realistically modeled dimensions and mass in usarsim
S Okamoto, K Kurose, S Saga, K Ohno, S Tadokoro
2008 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, 77-82, 2008
Pervasive Haptics
H Kajimoto, S Saga, M Konyo
Springer, 2016
HeatHapt thermal radiation-based haptic display
S Saga
Haptic Interaction: Perception, Devices and Applications, 105-107, 2015
Identification of cutaneous detection thresholds against time-delay stimuli for tactile displays
S Okamoto, M Konyo, S Saga, S Tadokoro
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 220-225, 2008
A study on teaching methods utilizing a proactivity in haptics
S Saga
Trans. on Virtual Reality Society of Japan 10 (3), 81-87, 2005
Virtual bumps display based on electrical muscle stimulation
T Ishimaru, S Saga
2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 96-101, 2020
A study of tactile sensation and magnitude on electrostatic tactile display
H Tomita, S Saga, H Kajimoto, S Vasilache, S Takahashi
2018 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 158-162, 2018
High-resolution tactile sensor using the movement of a reflected image
S Saga, T Morooka, H Kajimoto, S Tachi
Proceedings of the Eurohaptics, 2006
Sliding motion control of active flexible cable using simple shape information
K Sawata, M Konyo, S Saga, S Tadokoro, K Osuka
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3736-3742, 2009
Fibratus tactile sensor using reflection on an optical lever
S Saga, S Kuroki, N Kawakami, S Tachi
ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 emerging technologies, 3-es, 2007
Feel through window: Simultaneous geometry and texture display based on lateral force
S Saga, R Raskar
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Emerging Technologies, 1-3, 2012
Sensing method of total-internal-reflection-based tactile sensor
M Koike, S Saga, T Okatani, K Deguchi
2011 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 615-619, 2011
Spatiotemporal thermal control effects on thermal grill illusion
S Saga, R Kimoto, K Kaguchi
Sensors 23 (1), 414, 2022
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