Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Jost ReineckePelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 8
Longitudinal analysis of adolescents’ deviant and delinquent behavior
J Reinecke
Methodology 2 (3), 100-112, 2006
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Belittled, avoided, ignored, denied: Assessing forms and consequences of stigma experiences of people with mental illness
M Ilic, J Reinecke, G Bohner, HO Röttgers, T Beblo, M Driessen, ...
Social Psychological Perspectives on Stigma, 31-40, 2016
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Managing a stigmatized identity—Evidence from a longitudinal analysis about people with mental illness
M Ilic, J Reinecke, G Bohner, HO Röttgers, T Beblo, M Driessen, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44 (7), 464-480, 2014
Mandat: German Research Foundation
The development of deviant and delinquent behavior over the life course in the context of processes of social inequalities
J Reinecke, M Stemmler, Z Sünkel, D Schepers, M Weiss, M Arnis, ...
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Die Entstehung und Entwicklung devianten und delinquenten Verhaltens im Lebensverlauf und ihre Bedeutung für soziale Ungleichheitsprozesse: Methodendokumentation der …
J Meinert, Z Sünkel
Mandat: German Research Foundation
What influences the victimization of high-level offenders? A dual trajectory analysis of the victim–offender overlap from the perspective of routine activities with peer groups
A Erdmann, J Reinecke
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36 (17-18), NP9317-NP9343, 2021
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Youth violence in Germany: Examining the victim–offender overlap during the transition from adolescence to early adulthood
A Erdmann, J Reinecke
Criminal justice review 43 (3), 325-344, 2018
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Nonlongitudinal estimation of growth curve parameters: The cohort growth model
KA Fischer, AG Klein, J Reinecke
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 26 (3), 402-417, 2019
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 7
Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness
M Ilic, J Reinecke, G Bohner, R Hans-Onno, T Beblo, M Driessen, ...
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 58 (3), 246-257, 2012
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Maximum approximate likelihood estimation of general continuous-time state-space models
S Mews, R Langrock, M Ötting, H Yaqine, J Reinecke
Statistical Modelling 24 (1), 9-28, 2024
Mandat: German Research Foundation
The development of delinquency during adolescence: a comparison of missing data techniques revisited
K Kleinke, J Reinecke, C Weins
Quality & Quantity 55, 877-895, 2021
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Dynamics of the causes of crime: A life-course application of situational action theory for the transition from adolescence to adulthood
G Kessler, J Reinecke
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 7, 229-252, 2021
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Stage-sequential growth mixture modeling of criminological panel data
J Reinecke, M Meyer, K Boers
Dependent Data in Social Sciences Research: Forms, Issues, and Methods of …, 2015
Mandat: German Research Foundation
The contributions of propensity, delinquent peers, low parental supervision, and empathy to the emergence of antisocial behavior in childhood and adolescence: testing …
S Wallner, M Stemmler, J Reinecke
International Journal of Developmental Science 14 (3-4), 99-112, 2021
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Revisiting the experiential effect: How criminal offending affects juveniles’ perceptions of detection risk
F Kaiser, B Huss, J Reinecke
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 1-28, 2022
Mandat: German Research Foundation
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