Julian Glos
Julian Glos
Email yang diverifikasi di uni-hamburg.de
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Hibernation in a tropical primate
KH Dausmann, J Glos, JU Ganzhorn, G Heldmaier
Nature 429 (6994), 825-826, 2004
Patterns of species change in anthropogenically disturbed forests of Madagascar
MT Irwin, PC Wright, C Birkinshaw, BL Fisher, CJ Gardner, J Glos, ...
Biological Conservation 143 (10), 2351-2362, 2010
Hibernation in the tropics: lessons from a primate
KH Dausmann, J Glos, JU Ganzhorn, G Heldmaier
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 175, 147-155, 2005
Energetics of tropical hibernation
KH Dausmann, J Glos, G Heldmaier
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179, 345-357, 2009
The challenge of conserving amphibian megadiversity in Madagascar
F Andreone, AI Carpenter, N Cox, L du Preez, K Freeman, S Furrer, ...
PLoS Biology 6 (5), e118, 2008
Molecular phylogeny and divergence times of Malagasy tenrecs: influence of data partitioning and taxon sampling on dating analyses
C Poux, O Madsen, J Glos, WW De Jong, M Vences
BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 1-16, 2008
The world's richest tadpole communities show functional redundancy and low functional diversity: ecological data on Madagascar's stream-dwelling amphibian larvae
A Strauß, E Reeve, RD Randrianiaina, M Vences, J Glos
BMC ecology 10, 1-10, 2010
Describing the smaller majority: integrative taxonomy reveals twenty-six new species of tiny microhylid frogs (genus Stumpffia) from Madagascar PDF-29 MB
A Rakotoarison, M Scherz, F Glaw, J Köhler, F Andreone, M Franzen, ...
Vertebrate Zoology 67, 271-398, 2017
Gut bacterial communities across tadpole ecomorphs in two diverse tropical anuran faunas
M Vences, ML Lyra, JG Kueneman, MC Bletz, HM Archer, J Canitz, ...
The Science of Nature 103, 1-14, 2016
Functional diversity in a fragmented landscape—Habitat alterations affect functional trait composition of frog assemblages in Madagascar
JC Riemann, SH Ndriantsoa, MO Rödel, J Glos
Global Ecology and Conservation 10, 173-183, 2017
Patterns of temperature induced developmental plasticity in anuran larvae
K Ruthsatz, MA Peck, KH Dausmann, NM Sabatino, J Glos
Journal of Thermal Biology 74, 123-132, 2018
Morphological and ecological convergence at the lower size limit for vertebrates highlighted by five new miniaturised microhylid frog species from three different Madagascan genera
MD Scherz, CR Hutter, A Rakotoarison, JC Riemann, MO Rödel, ...
PLoS One 14 (3), e0213314, 2019
The value of forest fragments for maintaining amphibian diversity in Madagascar
JC Riemann, SH Ndriantsoa, NR Raminosoa, MO Rödel, J Glos
Biological Conservation 191, 707-715, 2015
Amphibian diversity in the matrix of a fragmented landscape around Ranomafana in Madagascar depends on matrix quality
SH Ndriantsoa, JC Riemann, N Raminosoa, MO Rödel, JS Glos
Tropical Conservation Science 10, 1940082916686065, 2017
Species distribution and assembly patterns of frog larvae in rainforest streams of Madagascar
A Strauß, RD Randrianiaina, M Vences, J Glos
Hydrobiologia 702, 27-43, 2013
A New Species of Scaphiophryne from Western Madagascar
J Glos, F Glaw, M Vences
Copeia 2005 (2), 252-261, 2005
The amphibian fauna of the Kirindy dry forest in western Madagascar
J Glos
SALAMANDRA-BONN- 39 (2), 75-90, 2003
Diversity, external morphology and ‘reverse taxonomy’in the specialized tadpoles of Malagasy river bank frogs of the subgenus Ochthomantis (genus Mantidactylus)
RD Randrianiaina, A Strauß, J Glos, F Glaw, M Vences
Contributions to Zoology 80 (1), 17-S11, 2011
Thermal tolerance and acclimation capacity in the European common frog (Rana temporaria) change throughout ontogeny
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, MA Peck, J Glos
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative …, 2022
Morphological and ecological uniformity in the funnel-mouthed tadpoles of Malagasy litter frogs, subgenus Chonomantis
S Grosjean, A Strauss, J Glos, RD Randrianiaina, A Ohler, M Vences
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 162 (1), 149-183, 2011
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