Jenny Cave PhD
Jenny Cave PhD
Massey Univ, NZ
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Heritage/cultural attraction atmospherics: Creating the right environment for the heritage/cultural visitor
MA Bonn, SM Joseph-Mathews, M Dai, S Hayes, J Cave
Journal of Travel Research 45 (3), 345-354, 2007
Structuring destination image: A qualitative approach
C Ryan, J Cave
Journal of travel research 44 (2), 143-150, 2005
Regenerative tourism needs diverse economic practices
J Cave, D Dredge
Global Tourism and COVID-19: Implications for Theory and Practice, 49-59, 2021
Souvenir sellers and perceptions of authenticity–The retailers of Hội An, Vietnam
TT Trinh, C Ryan, J Cave
Tourism Management 45, 275-283, 2014
Residents’ perceptions, migrant groups and culture as an attraction—the case of a proposed Pacific Island cultural centre in New Zealand
J Cave, C Ryan, C Panakera
Tourism Management 24 (4), 371-385, 2003
Chinese rural tourism development: Transition in the case of Qiyunshan, Anhui.–2008–2015
P Li, C Ryan, J Cave
Tourism Management 55, 240-260, 2016
Tourism border-making: A political economy of China's border tourism
J Gao, C Ryan, J Cave, C Zhang
Annals of Tourism Research 76, 1-13, 2019
Island tourism: marketing culture and heritage–editorial introduction to the special issue
KG Brown, J Cave
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 4 (2), 87-95, 2010
Cultural tourism product: Pacific Island migrant perspectives in New Zealand
J Cave, C Ryan, C Panakera
Journal of Travel Research 45 (4), 435-443, 2007
Residents, their use of a tourist facility and contribution to tourist ambience: Narratives from a film tourism site in Beijing
X Zhang, C Ryan, J Cave
Tourism Management 52, 416-429, 2016
Tourism and souvenirs: Glocal perspectives from the margins
J Cave, L Jolliffe
Channel View Publications, 2013
Perceptions of backpacker accommodation facilities: A comparative study of Scotland and New Zealand
J Cave, M Thyne, C Ryan
Backpacker tourism: Concepts and profiles, 215-246, 2008
Souvenirs in dark tourism: Emotions and symbols
J Cave, D Buda
The Palgrave handbook of dark tourism studies, 707-726, 2018
Island tourism: destinations: an editorial introduction to the special issue
J Cave, KG Brown
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 6 (2), 95-113, 2012
Reworking tourism: Diverse economies in a changing world
J Cave, D Dredge
Tourism Planning & Development 15 (5), 473-477, 2018
Regenerative tourism: The challenge of transformational leadership
J Cave, D Dredge, C van't Hullenaar, AK Waddilove, S Lebski, O Mathieu, ...
Journal of tourism futures 8 (3), 298-311, 2022
Information Communication Technology in New Zealand SMEs
S Locke, J Cave
Available at SSRN 3284911, 2018
Conceptualising “Otherness” as a management framework for tourism enterprise
J Cave
Indigenous Tourism, 261-280, 2010
Backpackers—What is the peak experience?
C Ryan, B Trauer, J Kave, A Sharma, S Sharma
Tourism Recreation Research 28 (3), 93-98, 2003
Mementos of place: Souvenir purchases at the Bridgetown cruise terminal in Barbados
J Cave, LEE JOLLIffE, D De Coteau
Tourism Culture & Communication 12 (1), 39-50, 2012
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