Heloísa Augusto Zen
Heloísa Augusto Zen
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Effect of radiation induced crosslinking and degradation of ETFE films
HA Zen, G Ribeiro, AN Geraldes, CP Souza, DF Parra, AB Lugão
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 84, 136-139, 2013
Post-irradiation time effects on the graft of poly (ethylene-alt-tetrafluoroethylene)(ETFE) films for ion exchange membrane application
AN Geraldes, HA Zen, G Ribeiro, HP Ferreira, CP Souza, DF Parra, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (3), 246-249, 2010
Effects of solvents on post-irradiation grafting of styrene onto fluoropolymer films
A Napoleão Geraldes, H Augusto Zen, D Fernandes Parra, ...
e-Polymers 8 (1), 063, 2008
Solvent effect on post-irradiation grafting of styrene onto poly (ethylene-alt-tetrafluoroethylene)(ETFE) films
AN Geraldes, HA Zen, G Ribeiro, DF Parra, AB Lugão
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 84, 205-209, 2013
Obtenção de membrana trocadora de prótons para uso em célula a combustível, à base de polipropileno (PP)
HA Zen
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências na área de Tecnologia Nuclear–Materiais …, 2008
Prevention of degradation of γ-irradiated EPDM using phenolic antioxidants
T Zaharescu, HA Zen, M Marinescu, SR Scagliusi, ECL Cardoso, ...
Chemical Papers 70 (4), 495-504, 2016
Preliminary study of styrene grafting on Polyethylene films
GO Meraes, AN Geraldes, HA Zen, DF Parra, AB Lugao
International Nuclear Atlantic Conference, 2007
Desenvolvimento de elastômeros fluorados multifuncionais baseados em nanocompósitos
HA Zen
São Paulo:[sn], 2015
Gamma irradiation effects on poly (vinylidene fluoride) films
G Ribeiro, HA Zen, AN Geraldes, CP Souza, DF Parra, LFCP Lima, ...
Caracterização de filmes de polipropileno modificados para uso como membrana trocadora de prótons
H ZEN, AN Geraldes, D PARRA, ABC Geraldo, SG Araujo, A LUGAO, ...
Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais. Foz do Iguaçu, PR, 2006
Effect of clay incorporation in the dimensional stability of FKM nanocomposite
HA Zen, AB Lugão
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 22 (2), e11845, 2017
Desenvolvimento de membranas para celula a combustivel por enxertia de estireno via radiacao em filmes de ETFE
AN Geraldes, HA Zen, G Ribeiro, CP Souza, HP Ferreira, DF Parra, ...
10° Congresso Brasileiro de Polímeros, 2009
The influence of radiation dose in composites of HDPE-silica films onto mechanical properties
MV Silva¹, HA Zen, EI Santiago
Proceedings of the INAC 2024: international nuclear atlantic conference …, 2024
Effect of radiation-induced modification in fluoroelastomer
HA Zen, AB Lugao
Development of high performance lubricant through the compatibilization of polyalphaolefin, polyurea and irradiated polytetrafluoroethylene
NT Ratão, HA Zen, AB Lugão
Study of radiation-induced modification in nitrogen and air atmospheres of PFA
HA Zen, CP Souza, AB Lugão
Study of radiation-induced modification of FEP in nitrogen and air atmospheres
CP Souza, HA Zen, AB Lugão
Estudo da modificação da sílica mesoporosa SBA-15 utilizando enxertia induzida por radiação ionizante
G Ribeiro, HA Zen, AN Geraldes, JR Matos, AB Lugão
Resumos, 2011
Characterization of crosslinking and chain scission on irradiated ETFE
AB Lugao, DF Parra, HF Araujo, AN Geraldes, H Zen, G Ribeiro
Post irradiation effects on the graft of poly (tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyl vinyl ether)(PFA) films
AN Geraldes, HA Zen, G Ribeiro, HP Ferreira, CP Souza, DF Parra, ...
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