The surface energy of metals L Vitos, AV Ruban, HL Skriver, J Kollár
Surface science 411 (1-2), 186-202, 1998
3289 1998 Surface electronic structure and reactivity of transition and noble metals A Ruban, B Hammer, P Stoltze, HL Skriver, JK Nørskov
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 115 (3), 421-429, 1997
1523 1997 Surface segregation energies in transition-metal alloys AV Ruban, HL Skriver, JK Nørskov
Physical review B 59 (24), 15990, 1999
1232 1999 Adsorption and Dissociation of O2 on Pt−Co and Pt−Fe Alloys Y Xu, AV Ruban, M Mavrikakis
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (14), 4717-4725, 2004
808 2004 Phase diagrams for surface alloys A Christensen, AV Ruban, P Stoltze, KW Jacobsen, HL Skriver, ...
Physical Review B 56 (10), 5822, 1997
508 1997 Anode materials for low-temperature fuel cells: a density functional theory study E Christoffersen, P Liu, A Ruban, HL Skriver, JK Nørskov
Journal of Catalysis 199 (1), 123-131, 2001
457 2001 Configurational thermodynamics of alloys from first principles: effective cluster interactions AV Ruban, IA Abrikosov
Reports on Progress in Physics 71 (4), 046501, 2008
360 2008 Combined electronic structure and evolutionary search approach to materials design GH Johannesson, T Bligaard, AV Ruban, HL Skriver, KW Jacobsen, ...
Physical Review Letters 88 (25), 255506, 2002
342 2002 How a gold substrate can increase the reactivity of a Pt overlayer MØ Pedersen, S Helveg, A Ruban, I Stensgaard, E Lægsgaard, ...
Surface Science 426 (3), 395-409, 1999
316 1999 Calculated surface segregation in transition metal alloys AV Ruban, HL Skriver
Computational Materials Science 15 (2), 119-143, 1999
308 1999 First-principles calculations of the vacancy formation energy in transition and noble metals PA Korzhavyi, IA Abrikosov, B Johansson, AV Ruban, HL Skriver
Physical Review B 59 (18), 11693, 1999
307 1999 Locally self-consistent Green’s function approach to the electronic structure problem IA Abrikosov, SI Simak, B Johansson, AV Ruban, HL Skriver
Physical Review B 56 (15), 9319, 1997
276 1997 Order- Green's Function Technique for Local Environment Effects in Alloys IA Abrikosov, AMN Niklasson, SI Simak, B Johansson, AV Ruban, ...
Physical review letters 76 (22), 4203, 1996
264 1996 Mixing and decomposition thermodynamics of from first-principles calculations B Alling, AV Ruban, A Karimi, OE Peil, SI Simak, L Hultman, IA Abrikosov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (4), 045123, 2007
245 2007 Temperature-induced longitudinal spin fluctuations in Fe and Ni AV Ruban, S Khmelevskyi, P Mohn, B Johansson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (5), 054402, 2007
234 2007 Screened Coulomb interactions in metallic alloys. I. Universal screening in the atomic-sphere approximation AV Ruban, HL Skriver
Physical Review B 66 (2), 024201, 2002
231 2002 Madelung energy for random metallic alloys in the coherent potential approximation PA Korzhavyi, AV Ruban, IA Abrikosov, HL Skriver
Physical review B 51 (9), 5773, 1995
215 1995 Constitutional and thermal point defects in NiAl PA Korzhavyi, AV Ruban, AY Lozovoi, YK Vekilov, IA Abrikosov, ...
Physical Review B 61 (9), 6003, 2000
199 2000 Calculated site substitution in ternary - Al: Temperature and composition effects AV Ruban, HL Skriver
Physical Review B 55 (2), 856, 1997
194 1997 Screened Coulomb interactions in metallic alloys. II. Screening beyond the single-site and atomic-sphere approximations AV Ruban, SI Simak, PA Korzhavyi, HL Skriver
Physical Review B 66 (2), 024202, 2002
180 2002