Matthew B. Weller
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A window for plate tectonics in terrestrial planet evolution?
C O'Neill, A Lenardic, M Weller, L Moresi, S Quenette, S Zhang
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2016
The Physics of Changing Tectonic Regimes: Implications for the Temporal Evolution of Mantle Convection and the Thermal History of Venus
MB Weller, WS Kiefer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2019
Hysteresis in mantle convection: Plate tectonics systems
MB Weller, A Lenardic
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (10), 2012
The effects of internal heating and large scale climate variations on tectonic bi-stability in terrestrial planets
MB Weller, A Lenardic, C O'Neill
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 420, 85-94, 2015
Dynamics and evolution of Venus’ mantle through time
T Rolf, M Weller, A Gülcher, P Byrne, JG O’Rourke, R Herrick, E Bjonnes, ...
Space Science Reviews 218 (8), 70, 2022
On the evolution of terrestrial planets: Bi-stability, stochastic effects, and the non-uniqueness of tectonic states
MB Weller, A Lenardic
Geoscience Frontiers 9 (1), 91-102, 2018
Venus evolution through time: key science questions, selected mission concepts and future investigations
T Widemann, SE Smrekar, JB Garvin, AG Straume-Lindner, AC Ocampo, ...
Space Science Reviews 219 (7), 56, 2023
A South Pole–Aitken impact origin of the lunar compositional asymmetry
MJ Jones, AJ Evans, BC Johnson, MB Weller, JC Andrews-Hanna, ...
Science Advances 8 (14), eabm8475, 2022
Resurfacing history and volcanic activity of Venus
RR Herrick, ET Bjonnes, LM Carter, T Gerya, RC Ghail, C Gillmann, ...
Space Science Reviews 219 (4), 29, 2023
The solar system of forking paths: Bifurcations in planetary evolution and the search for life-bearing planets in our galaxy
A Lenardic, JW Crowley, AM Jellinek, M Weller
Astrobiology 16 (7), 551-559, 2016
Venus, the Planet: Introduction to the evolution of Earth’s sister planet
JG O’Rourke, CF Wilson, ME Borrelli, PK Byrne, C Dumoulin, R Ghail, ...
Space Science Reviews 219 (1), 10, 2023
Scaling relationships and physics for mixed heating convection in planetary interiors: Isoviscous spherical shells
MB Weller, A Lenardic, WB Moore
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (10), 7598-7617, 2016
Toward a boot strap hypothesis of plate tectonics: feedbacks between plates, the asthenosphere, and the wavelength of mantle convection
A Lenardic, M Weller, T Höink, J Seales
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 296, 106299, 2019
The energetics and convective vigor of mixedmode heating: Velocity scalings and implications for the tectonics of exoplanets
MB Weller, A Lenardic
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016
Synergies between Venus & exoplanetary observations: Venus and its extrasolar siblings
MJ Way, C Ostberg, BJ Foley, C Gillmann, D Höning, H Lammer, ...
Space Science Reviews 219 (1), 13, 2023
Convection in thin shells of icy satellites: Effects of latitudinal surface temperature variations
MB Weller, L Fuchs, TW Becker, KM Soderlund
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 (8), 2029-2053, 2019
Convective and tectonic plate velocities in a mixed heating mantle
A Lenardic, J Seales, W Moore, M Weller
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22 (2), e2020GC009278, 2021
Insight into terrestrial planetary evolution via mantle potential temperatures
MB Weller, MS Duncan
46th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2749, 2015
Feasibility study of mapping continuous water planes along the southeast Lake Agassiz basin
MB Weller, TG Fisher
Journal of Maps 5 (1), 152-165, 2009
Eastern Olympus Mons Basal Scarp: Structural and mechanical evidence for large‐scale slope instability
MB Weller, PJ McGovern, T Fournier, JK Morgan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 119 (6), 1089-1109, 2014
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