Manuel Fernández Alcántara
Manuel Fernández Alcántara
Department of Health Psychology. University of Alicante (Spain)
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Prolonged grief related to COVID-19 deaths: Do we have to fear a steep rise in traumatic and disenfranchised griefs?
CK Kokou-Kpolou, M Fernández-Alcántara, JM Cénat
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 12 (S1), S94, 2020
Feelings of loss and grief in parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
M Fernańdez-Alcántara, MP García-Caro, MN Pérez-Marfil, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 55, 312-321, 2016
Level of Burden and Health-Related Quality of Life in Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients
J Perpiñá-Galvañ, N Orts-Beneito, M Fernández-Alcántara, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (23), 4806, 2019
Feelings of loss in parents of children with infantile cerebral palsy
M Fernández-Alcántara, MP García-Caro, C Laynez-Rubio, ...
Disability and health journal 8 (1), 93-101, 2015
Needs perceived by parents of preterm infants: integrating care into the early discharge process
I Toral-López, M Fernández-Alcántara, P González-Carrión, ...
Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families 31 (2 …, 2016
Factores psicológicos implicados en el duelo perinatal
M Fernández-Alcántara, F Cruz-Quintana, N Pérez-Marfil, ...
Index de Enfermería 21 (1-2), 48-52, 2012
Parental perception of child vulnerability and parental competence: The role of postnatal depression and parental stress in fathers and mothers
L Gordo, A Oliver-Roig, A Martínez-Pampliega, LI Elejalde, ...
PloS one 13 (8), e0202894, 2018
Interaction between Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive Development in Children Aged 7, 9, and 11 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study
C Burneo-Garcés, F Cruz-Quintana, M Pérez-García, ...
Developmental neuropsychology 44 (1), 1-16, 2019
One or multiple complicated grief (s)? The role of kinship on grief reactions
M Fernández-Alcántara, E Zech
Clinical Psychological Science 5 (5), 851-857, 2017
Experiencias y cambios en los padres de niños con parálisis cerebral infantil: estudio cualitativo
M Fernández-Alcántara, MP García-Caro, M Berrocal-Castellano, ...
Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra 36 (1), 9-20, 2013
Parenting a child with a learning disability: A qualitative approach
M Fernández-Alcántara, C Correa-Delgado, Á Muñoz, MT Salvatierra, ...
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 64 (5), 526-543, 2017
Experiencias y obstáculos de los psicólogos en el acompañamiento de los procesos de fin de vida
M Fernández-Alcántara, MP García-Caro, MN Pérez-Marfil, ...
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 29 (1), 1-8, 2013
Influencia de la psicopatología emocional y el tipo de pérdida en la intensidad de los síntomas de duelo
M Fernández-Alcántara, MN Pérez-Marfil, A Catena-Martínez, ...
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud 7 (1), 15-24, 2016
Effects of a mindfulness‐based programme on the health‐and work‐related quality of life of healthcare professionals
ML Cascales‐Pérez, R Ferrer‐Cascales, M Fernández‐Alcántara, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 2020
Quality of Life and Concerns in Parent Caregivers of Adult Children Diagnosed with Intellectual Disability: A Qualitative Study
MI Fernández-Ávalos, MN Pérez-Marfil, R Ferrer-Cascales, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (22), 8690, 2020
Health-related quality of life and mental health of adolescents involved in school bullying and homophobic verbal content bullying
N Albaladejo-Blázquez, R Ferrer-Cascales, N Ruiz-Robledillo, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (14), 2622, 2019
Formación en cuidados paliativos y efecto en la evaluación emocional de imágenes de muerte
C Marti-Garcia, MP Garcia-Caro, J Schmidt-Riovalle, ...
Medicina Paliativa 23 (2), 72-78, 2016
Feeling of grief and loss in parental caregivers of adults diagnosed with intellectual disability
MI Fernández‐Ávalos, MN Pérez‐Marfil, R Ferrer‐Cascales, ...
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 34 (3), 712-723, 2021
Long-term effects of an intensive-practical diabetes education program on HbA1c and self-care
I Ruiz-González, M Fernández-Alcántara, T Guardia-Archilla, ...
Applied Nursing Research 31, 13-18, 2016
Assessment of emotional experience and emotional recognition in complicated grief
M Fernández-Alcántara, F Cruz-Quintana, MN Pérez-Marfil, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 126, 2016
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